Dirty COP’s Gone Rogue LACO District Attorney’s Office

Moffatt Media
Palmdale, California
Updated 1/15/2025
As the CEO and Founder of Moffatt Media, normally I do not  use Moffatt Media’s platform to share my own life bump stories.   However, it is time that I speak up and out about how my beloved husband is wearing “Shoes of Injustices.”  
It is important that I speak out to let other persons know you’re NOT alone when facing Dirty COP’s gone rogue, because on 9/3/2021 Dirty COP’s (District Attorney Police County of Los Angeles) and an SSA employee: Alejandro Ibarra went  rogue, illegally arrested and kidnapped my beloved husband.
Arrest Warrants Ordered the U.S. Marshal’s only to arrest my husband!
Please watch and listen to the 7 min video UnAmerican schemes just made public 1/5/2025.

Re-living and listening again makes me cry!

Many may ask why release now?

My beloved husband was arrested back in September 2021, under the Biden-Harris UnAmerican Presidential Administration.  Jeff is now facing 105 years in federal prison on his own attorney fees earned of $30k ($30,000.00) dollars and approved by Judges, while advocating for disabled children and adults before SSA.

Jeff’s Federal Trial was scheduled on January 21, 2025 and now continued in April 2025.

We do NOT plead for money from YOU.

However, we do ask for YOUR uplifting of prayers, that the Court will continue Jeff’s trial date of April  2025, to allow said Federal Court to investigate the (District Attorney Police County of Los Angeles) and SSA Employee Alejandro Ibarra and many other government employees’ gone rogue!

The same government employees went rogue with misusing our criminal justice system for their own selfish gains, weaponization and crimes against my husband and our own family. 

True Americans do NOT have any tolerance for government employees who abuse their powers under the color of law, to harm others, is beyond UnAmerican!

Fraud, Waste and Abuse of Taxpayer dollars by government employees gone ROGUE!


“Arizona” Spit in the face of Veteran


Moffatt Media,  Palmdale, California —

Honorable Disabled Vietnam Veteran says not only spit in the face by Arizona on American soil, but has suffered Human Rights Violations with a fatal “kill” to his forty year legal career.


Star Moffatt, Founder and CEO of Moffatt Media (M&M) is proud to share an interview with  Tony Guajardo, Former Assistant United States Attorney, Arizona Attorney and Disabled Vietnam Veteran.


Moffatt Media:   Tony explain what happened to your legal career as an Arizona Attorney?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  The Arizona Supreme Court failed to  rule on an issue of a state employee committing False Impersonation from the Supreme Court bench, who issued out a Fraudulent Disbarment (revocation against my Arizona Lawyers license).

Moffatt Media:  What legal career paths have you had that make you so proud in serving our country United States of America  and other people?      

Veteran Tony Guajardo:

  • I was appointed as Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Texas in 1980 where I worked until 1983.
  • Administrative Law Judge and Senior Trial Attorney with the EEOC from 1983 until 1988;
  • Trial Attorney with the EEOC;
  • Federal Bar Association President (San Antonio Chapter)
  • Bexar County Criminal District Attorney;
  • Staff Attorney with the Gulf Coast Legal Foundation;
  • Staff Attorney with the Rio Grande Legal Aid; and
  • Twenty Years in Private Practice of Law.
  • I practiced law for forty years from 1977 to 2017, wherein I represented literally thousands of clients and having been licensed in Texas in 1977 and in Arizona in 2002.


Moffatt Media:  Tony where are you originally from and your age?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:   I am originally from San Antonio, Texas, and I will be 78 years old in March 2025.


Moffatt Media: Are you currently single or married?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I am married. I am originally from San Antonio, Texas. I am involuntarily retired and I try to stay healthy with a healthy diet and exercise


Moffatt Media:  Do you have any children?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I have two adult children and two grandchildren.


Moffatt Media:  Were you born in the United States?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo Yes.  I was born in San Antonio, Texas of a Mexican immigrant father who later became a United States Citizen. I am a first generation son of immigrant parents.


Moffatt Media:  Tony  you  had served in the USA Military, where were you stationed?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo: I served in Vietnam 1967


Moffatt Media:  Were you drafted or did you enlist?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo No.  I enlisted in October 1967.


Moffatt Media:  Do you recall your first days in Vietnam and what did it feel like?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo No. I blocked everything out mentally about Vietnam.  I worked in the 149th Tactical Hospital and I was a Medic.


Moffatt Media:  Why did you join the military?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I joined the military, because I wanted to serve my country USA, during time of war. I served 8 years in the 149th Tactical Fighter Group (Medic).


Moffatt Media:  What law school did you attend?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I attended David C. Clarke District of Columbia Law School in Washington, D.C. and I graduated law school 1977.


Moffatt Media:  Now fast forwarding to your legal career, why did you want to become an Attorney?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I became an attorney because I wanted to make a positive difference in people’s lives. As a first generation son of immigrant parents I saw how people struggled to achieve the American Dream having to overcome obstacles of income inequality and other discrimination, I jumped at the chance to go to law school.

My hopes and dreams for myself were mirrored in those faces of hundreds of clients who desperately needed help.

I wanted to be a blessing for others, and at the same time find my purpose in life—to be an advocate for those who would not otherwise be able to navigate the treacherous waters in life.


Moffatt Media:  Are there any significant milestone cases that have an everlasting societal footprints?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  I am a former attorney admitted to the United States Supreme Court, having served as Plaintiffs’ Co-counsel in a U.S. Supreme Court Case that struck down an unconstitutional law that prohibited undocumented children from attending a free public education in 1980

I was Co-counsel in another U.S. Supreme Court case that struck down Texas unconstitutional law that denied undocumented children the right to attend public school in Texas.

Also, I was Co-counsel in challenging SB1070, a law that unlawfully discriminated against Hispanics and other minorities in violation of the United States Constitution.

Moffatt Media:  Do you have any final words you would like to say regarding the Human Rights Violations suffered by Arizona?

  • Veteran Tony Guajardo:  Arizona provided the murder weapon to the State Supreme Court and they proceeded to fatally “kill” my forty year legal career, while denying my constitutional rights. 

The State Supreme Court of Arizona has committed Human Rights Violations against many Arizona Lawyers, destroying their lives and careers, which have taken decades to build.   Arizona’s abuse of power continues to go unchecked.   I want Justice, and I want my life back!

Moffatt Media thanks  Tony Guajardo for serving our country and other Veterans!

Society owes you a debt of appreciation along with other Veteran brave men and women who have risked their own lives to make our lives beyond safe. 

Tony Guajardo, Disabled Vietnam Veteran, thank you for sharing your horrific story of being spit in your face by Arizona.  

In the opinion of Moffatt Media, Arizona is a disgraced state and should have their Federal Funding Sanctioned, equal the number of days (Tony) has suffered Human Rights Violations imposed by Arizona.

In addition to, the Arizona Supreme Court Rule 51, be Suspended since it is NOT law, is unconstitutional and only an administrative Rule, nothing more than a (policy guideline).  Sadly, Tony is not alone, there are many other attorney victims in Arizona, that have also suffered Human Rights Violations, Fraudulent Suspensions and Disbarments  by Arizona’s Supreme Court Presiding Disciplinary Judges (State employees), committing Judicial False Impersonations while  unconstitutionally seated-under Rule 51.   

Arizona’s Human Rights Violations are better said to be: Crimes against Humanity, by the shameful and disgraced Arizona Supreme Court!

 Ep1 Series 1 – Stay tuned for more.






2024 “Maine Trump Voter” Speaks

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

2024 Voter: State of  Maine, Trump Voter-speaks before Moffatt Media – WHY they’re voting for “Trump.”

Maine Voter’s words will blow your mind away! Click on the below arrow to Watch and Listen to this VIDEO, which will only take 1 Minute out of your busy day!


Maine Voter says has some personal reasons why voting for Trump ranging from: witnessing USA’s corrupt  judicial system; In-effective Assistance of Counsel and detest Open Borders.

Behind the Scenes:  Maine Voter goes on to say that Open Borders are  a paramount safety risk to all American Citizens, especially when persons crossing  into our country are not vetted. 


Get out to Vote –  Re-elect Donald J. Trump, 2024 President!

Rock on Maine Voter!


Moffatt Media Endorses Trump 2024

Updated 11/1/2024, 5:50pm


By  Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder / Investigative Journalist / Palmdale, CA (Moffatt Media) —

Moffatt Media (OPM) Federally Recognized Taxpayer Watchdog News, endorses  Donald J. Trump for Presidential Re-Election 2024.


As the CEO & Founder of Moffatt Media, I am personally proud to announce Moffatt Media’s endorsement of Trump on 1-17-24. 

Three reasons why Moffatt Media has endorsed President Trump for 2024 reelection:


1. Trump attest to closing Open Borders for the public safety of everyone.  True Americans don’t want people from other countries who support Human Trafficking of children and adults; and Mayhem;

2. Trump will focus on Economy Reforms; and

3. Prosecutorial Misconduct Reforms related to government employees who go rogue with filing FAKE INDICTMENTS, for intended use in targeting certain Citizens.    

Trump’s foreign policy record would also pour over into domestic policies that need much reform especially with USA’s Open Borders, Economy and overdue  Prosecutorial Misconduct Reforms. 

The biggest domestic threat to our society, which places every American Citizen at risk, stems from when you have  government prosecutors that go rogue with filing FAKE INDICTMENTS, Unconstitutionally Seated and commit False Impersonations.   Prosecutors  who go rogue in the end cause tainted cases,  public deception fraud, waste and abuse of Taxpayer Dollars.       

Trump will Close Open Borders that threaten everyone’s safety, put forth Economy & Prosecutorial Reforms and WHY?  It’s time. 

The Biden-Harris purported 2020-2024 administration scored an “F” by Moffatt Media for abandoning the three societal issues listed above, which have a nationwide adverse impact on real life True American Citizens.


