• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Rachel Alexander predicted “Sidney Powell” Attorney Target

By  Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder/

Investigative Journalist

Palmdale, CA (Moffatt Media) —



Do you know Rachel Alexander on (9-18-2021), predicted Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani would be next Conservative Attorneys politically targeted? 

“Alexander,” made her prediction in 2021, that Powell and Giuliani would become politically targeted.


Alexander used her investigative reporting skills and intuitiveness to make her predictions about Powell and Giuliani.


For those of you that didn’t catch the historic article read at:  2021 Article  by Alexander. Novice readers, click on the highlighted purple area to retrieve the referenced article.


Fellow conservatives members of the Republican Party, it appears Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Leftist Congressional Member, kept her promise to create lists specifically targeting Conservatives, like: Powell, Giuliani, Moffatt and many others.


For verification of (AOC) creating a list to target Conservatives, recall The New American, reported on (11/7/2020), that (AOC) Congressional Rep, said: “Voices on the Left including herself are calling for lists to be kept of Trump supporters so they can be ostracized and otherwise punished.”…


(AOC) creating a list specifically targeting Conservatives and especially those Conservatives supportive to Trump, AOC’s list smells of the days of Herbert Hoover’s target list and McCarthyism.


Other targeting lists consist of parents who speak out at school board meetings  asking for accountability and transparency and Conservative Attorneys who litigate Election cases.   


Conservative Attorneys under target are facing disbarments, with loss of their financial livelihoods, careers wiped out and families shattered!



Why hasn’t Congress conducted a Congressional Investigation into AOC’s induced targeting schemes against certain groups of people defined as Conservative Attorneys with political affiliations of the Republican Party?


Surely Conservatives agree we are born American’s first before any political party affiliation.  Because belonging to ANY specific political party does not define one’s character of being. Example Alexander’s (2021) shocking prediction Article.


“President Trump” when re-elected and installed on January 20, 2025, we might start having some accountability regarding the targeting of Conservatives and Conservative Attorneys.


Caught on video Verbal abuse by Federal Public Defender

By: Star Moffatt, CEO of Moffatt Media (Investigative Journalist & Eye Witness)

Caught on video “Verbal & Mental” abuse induced by Claire Rogerson, “Federal Public Defender,” against alleged criminal Defendant Jeffrey Dean Moffatt, Ret. Federal Attorney and Former (2016) Congressional Candidate.  


Click on the arrow below to hear audio 12/12/2023, 3:18pm converted from video, which is now being republished on my PR Media Company Moffatt Media’s own platform, because YouTube ‘censored’ (removed) the Video and content on 4/6/2024:

(Episode 1)

QUESTION PRESENTED:  A four month rookie assigned to defend high profile case of a 20 year Federal Attorney.  The question of the year, why would the Federal Public Defender’s Office assign an unskilled attorney to represent a seasoned 20 year Federal attorney?

Newbie (Rookie) Rogerson only licensed to practice California law from  7/13/2023 and was assigned to Moffatt’s case 11/2023.  Yet the  United States Supreme Court has made it very clear that any alleged criminal defendant must create a record at trial court level “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel,” in order for the Supreme Court to consider accepting a case for review. 

See Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, Docket #20-1009, which mandates that deficiencies of counsel must make the record at trial court level.   5/23/2022 Justice Sotomayor, gave a Dissenting Opinion in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, said in part: “…the Court leaps to the conclusion that a petitioner is at fault for not developing the evidentiary record on a trial-ineffectiveness claim even if that lack of development.” … to essentially mean that a Defendant must know the law better than the attorney. 

Learning of Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, my eyes have witnessed since 9/3/2021 to present April 2024, Newbie (Rookie) Rogerson, Public Defender #2 and prior Ramanujan Deskin Nadadur aka Anuj Nadadur, Public Defender #1, rolled over on Moffatt, ie … my beloved husband Jeff of 33 years.   Neither Rogerson or Nadadur, would NOT do one procedural substantial thing Jeff would ask. 

Essentially (Rogerson & Nadadur) have been setting my husband up to be railroaded on alleged non-violent offense without any victims and subjecting my husband with facing 105 years in Federal prison on statutes themselves, which raise constitutional challenges.   What qualifies me to say such:  I am also a Certified Paralegal since 1999, co-owner of a law firm, past lead Plaintiff in two major government cases, I have completed my First Year in Law and I have two College Degrees.

Back to what my eyes witnessed: misconduct by Rogerson and Nadadur,  they would NOT even submit one shred of Jeff’s own evidence, that included two Forensic Expert Reports onto the government’s supposed counsel.  

Since 9/2021 through 4/2024, (Rogerson & Nadadur) would NOT even submit ANY Pretrial Motions into the Court, with a simple Motion to Dismiss, because the court lacks jurisdiction on the alleged Grand Jury Indictment, that was filed  5 years and 3 months past the Statute of Limitations on 7/23/2021.   So yes, I have no problem admitting to doing the audio-video recording on Rogerson, because (Rogerson & Nadadur), were obviously rolling over and doing stand-downs  against my husband Jeff.

Additionally, I admit to doing the recordings without Rogerson’ consent because of fear in  protecting my husband’s safety from being illegally arrested (kidnapped) again, and potentially wrongfully convicted.  

They (Rogerson & Nadadur)  pushed my back up against the wall, to help protect my beloved husband Jeff’s American constitutional rights and gather evidence in creating a public record for trial court level as mandated in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, U.S. Supreme Court Docket#20-1009.  Briefly, in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, two Arizona convicted prisoners on Death Row: David Martinez Ramirez and Barry Lee Jones, were seeking post conviction remedies, to prove: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, but Ramirez and Jones were still executed in Arizona.       

When the “Shoes of Injustices,” are being faced similarly in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez and my husband is facing 105 years in federal prison, which is essentially a Death Sentence, on a bogus Indictment and illegal arrest,  wouldn’t you do the same thing to protect your own family members freedoms, even if meant to video or record a conversation, regardless if one is a Federal Public Defender?

(Rogerson & Nadadur’s)  actions against my husband Jeff, have been intentional unethical conduct by failing NOT to uphold his guaranteed Sixth Amendment and Equal Constitutional Protections, that have been placing my husband at risk of being wrongfully convicted of 105 years in federal prison on alleged non-violent offenses.    Enough is enough with intentionally depriving my husband of his constitutional protections for  nearly 3 years. 

Again one reason for recording Rogerson was to assist my husband (Jeff) in gathering evidence at the trial court record of  Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, based on  Shinn v. Ramirez, among other issues.

Normally I do not make it a practice to share our own Life Bumps, on Moffatt Media’s social media platform, but it is time and much overdue in time!

Since my eyes have witnessed three incidents of Verbal & Mental abuse by Rogerson, Federal Public Defender against my husband Jeffrey Moffatt, Fed Retired Federal Attorney, an alleged criminal defendant.  It wasn’t until the third call that I recorded Rogerson. I had enough listening to how Rogerson, Rookie (Newbie) was verbally abusing my husband over the telephone.

My beloved husband of 33 years, an alleged criminal defendant in Federal Court is facing 105 years in federal prison on a bogus Grand Jury Indictment that alleges  5 Counts of Wire fraud at $30k and 1 Count of False Statement.  The bogus Indictment was filed against my husband 7/23/2021, he (Jeff) was illegally arrested 9/3/2021, never received any Summons or simple telephone call to advise him, that he had been Indicted on 7/23/2021.  

Get this, government Prosecutors had to conceal material facts from the Grand Jury, because if the (Jurors) had been shown evidence that $30k was on actually attorney fees earned and approved by five Judges, there is no way in the world ANY Juror, would have returned a Federal Felony Indictment, against my husband.  The government (Prosecutors)  also had to conceal from the (Jurors), an open Federal Appeal that has existed in another court prior to the Indictment, on the same issues since  6/19/2020 and that several recent U.S. Supreme Court cases vindicate my Husband.


Rogerson, I am calling on you to Resign or be Fired from the Public Defender’s Office for failing to uphold Federal Sixth Amendment Constitutional protections and among other constitutional protections for the benefit of my husband (Jeff).  Why: You’re a disgrace to the Federal Public Defender’s Office!

It is beyond belief that you (Rogerson) couldn’t even do four simple things from the time assigned on Jeff’s case back in November 2023 through 4/4/2024, until you resigned from Jeff’s case 4/5/2024. 

Four simple request by alleged Defendant Jeff Moffatt were as follows:

1).  Provided a Certified copy of Grand Jury Transcripts; 

2).  File a Pretrial Motion (Motion to Stay), since open Appeal in another Federal Court since 6/19/2020;

3).  Submit a Motion for Bail Modification, because one Bail condition  conflicts with the Bail Reform Act;

4).  Provide “Certified Copies” of Arrest Warrants: Doc 3 issued 7/23/2021 and Doc 17 issued 9/3/2021; 

Above  four requests Jeff has been asking for since  2021, from  Public Defender#1 Nadadur who also resigned from the alleged Indictment case against Jeff.  

Court of Pubic Opinion Comments:

Beyond grateful that many True Americans took the time out of their busy day and reviewed the Video-Audio of Verbal  & Mental Abuse induced by Rogerson against my (hubby) and here are a few of many Public Opinion comments:

  • “She is a real piece of work! Nice she admits that she doesn’t have time to work on his case, (not important to her!) until January, yet wont file for continuance past May! This is really a horror show at Jeff’s expense sorry to say.” – Lori
  • “I would be dumping that public pretender.   Jeff should be mentoring these newbie public pretenders and getting paid for it!” – Aron
  • “Wow I can hear the frustration and Jeff’s voice, but he handled himself very well and I understand what hes trying to say by saying that they should use her inexperience to his advantage but she seems to be too prideful to want to do that.   What a nightmare.  She should be taking advantage of his experience not working against it.” – Kathy
  • This sounds like it has something to do with race & wealth!  Black folks have been stripped of their Generational wealth ever since I could remember.  Just think back when we as a people thrived during the times of Black Wall Street Once the courts and guardians spend or force you to spend up your wealth defending yourself you are left with nothing, which is all to be designed. 
The system may see Jeff guilty by association to whom he is married to Star Moffatt, a Black Woman.  It’s not hard to believe racists practices still goes on in today’s society. Too bad those same corrupt officials can’t be arrested and put on trial for their seemingly racist antics and old school mentality.  Times have changed but not much.  Black folks continue to have to work twice as hard giving 100% of themselves while they can get by and shine with 10% 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’m going to continue to follow this saga and hopefully the system  recognizes that it is truly broken and being indifferent to Jeffrey Moffatt, his wife Star and their entire family. – Annie Mae
  • “They need to throw that bogus nonsense out!” –  Maria


True American friends and family, the above is how you document “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel,” along with hiring a PR Media Company like Moffatt Media, to assist in gathering and preserving evidence for you or your loved ones, to protect one’s safety & freedoms!

Now to you  Rogerson, congratulations you are now a textbook case of what a Rookie (Newbie) should NOT do straight out of law school.

Remember, as of 4/5/2024 Rogerson is asking the court to come off the case and the entire Federal Defenders office, as a direct result of the videos due to the outpouring support by True American’s  not afraid to speak up and out on: X formerly Twitter and YouTube.

Our gratitude extends also to the other True Americans that have shown support by sending emails, text and your many phone calls.  

The same appreciation if you have read thus far, in hearing our own temporary “Life Bump Story,” knowing that GOD is almighty and GOD will intercede on his timing, to expose the truth behind why my husband is wearing “Shoes of Injustice.” 

Finally note, and now imagine if the above can happen to a 20 year Federal Attorney and too mean my husband, can you imagine what happens to alleged defendants that are not legally trained and do not know their rights?




Murders have more ‘Constitutional Rights’ than Lawyer’s

Moffatt Media Report

By Star Moffatt, CEO of Moffatt Media


It has become a sad day in the proud (USA) when murderers have more constitutional protections than Lawyers. ~ Star Moffatt

Proud (USA) what a shame that you give Murder’s access to equal justice, yet trample on the constitutional rights and equal protections of a certain group of people whose lives also matter: Lawyer’s.

(USA) you turn a blind eye by allowing certain State Supreme Courts to delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations.  Those same corporations then operate past their jurisdictions, authorities, Mission Statements, Articles and By-Laws.

The State Supreme Courts delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations that investigate, criminally charge and prosecute Lawyer’s with using administrative judges and sui generis proceedings (make it up as you go), without affording Lawyer’s Civil or Criminal jurisdictional “Jury Trials within Courts of Record, among their peers! “    Consequently, denying lawful judgment before one’s peers, under the Seventh Amendment Constitution.

These same corporations have a pattern and practice NOT to uphold State or Federal Constitutional laws, because they often out rightly ignore constitutional challenges when confronted.

Moffatt Media Recommends

Congressional inquiries begin against the State Supreme Court of Arizona and the State Supreme Court of California, for failing to uphold Separation of Powers … by delegating court prosecutorial powers to Corporations to regulate, investigate, charge and prosecute (discipline) Lawyers by corporate entities State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.

See Supreme Court of Arizona Court Rule 32 (2)(D)The State Bar of Arizona “is both investigator and prosecutor.” … said John Phelps, CEO and Executive Director, State Bar of Arizona, source:  The Arizona Republic.

 State Bar of Arizona  – See abstracted 2019 AZ BAR TAX RETURN Tax Year 2019


State Bar of California Corporation – See California Constitution Article VI Section 9). 

 Also See California Business Professions Code Section 6001.1 regarding the State Bar of California, “… regulatory, and disciplinary functions.”…

States such as California and Arizona, have not modified their State Constitutions, to delegate prosecutorial powers to the State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.  The failure to modify State Constitutions makes it unconstitutional and illegal, for delegating prosecutorial powers to ANY corporations including the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Arizona.

Hence corporations State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, do not uphold First & Seventh Amendment constitutional protections applicable to a certain group of people too mean: Lawyers, who are Protected Class Members defined:  Disabled, “particular race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), or national origin,” and Older American Lawyers.

Corporations like the State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, only look out for the interest of alignment with State Supreme Courts and their own policy guideline Ethical Rules.

Injustices not to preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections, kills off law degrees, to become worthless, which are already exacerbated in existing inequalities within the labor industry of Lawyers.

Corporate entity State Bar of Arizona, provided the murder weapon and proceeded to fatally “kill” my forty year legal career, while denying my constitutional rights, says: Tony Guajardo.

The injustice against Tony Guajardo is now a norm to fatally kill and wipe out a Lawyer’s seasoned career without offering ANY diversion solutions, which would preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections to alleged first time non-violent offenders.

Guajardo Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Former Assistant Attorney General of Texas, Former Counsel with the United States Supreme Court, Administrative Law Judge, Senior Trial Attorney with the EEOC, Federal Bar Association President, Bexar County Criminal District Attorney, Staff Attorney with the Gulf Coast Legal Foundation and Former Arizona Lawyer.

Tribute to Tony Guajardo: J.D.M, Rachel Alexander, Lisa Aubuchon, Andrew Thomas, Dr. Jane Ross, John Eastman, Jeff Clark, Kurt Olsen, Bryan Blehm, Connie Reguli and other fallen Lawyers who have spoken up and out, exposing government public corruption!




Supreme Court of Arizona Hearing Panel Rule 52

Moffatt Media Report

Episode #1 (Hearing Panel)

Whether “Third World Justice” undermines equal access to justice against April Sponsel, Former Maricopa County Prosecutor?   

A Decision and Order Imposing Sanctions, with two year Suspension, was filed against Sponsel’s law license on 12/19/2023 by the Arizona Supreme Court Hearing Panel.    The Hearing Panel, which  is NOT in compliance with the Arizona Constitution.

Whether the Hearing Panel has exceeded jurisdiction and authority against Sponsel and other Arizona Lawyer’s? 

The Hearing Panel was created under Arizona State Supreme Court Rule 52,  Administrative Order No.: 2010-136, dated: 12/22/2010, issued by former Chief Justice Rebecca White Berch.   “A three-person hearing board consisting of the Presiding Disciplinary Judge, a volunteer, lawyer and a public member will hear any cases proceeding to hearing.  The Presiding Disciplinary Judge and the hearing boards will have the authority to impose all sanctions including disbarment,” said Berch.

Berch proceeded in 2010, with creating the Hearing Panel in Administrative Order# 2010-136, knowing such panel lacks constitutional infrastructure  compliance. 

Essentially the Hearing Panel operating under Administrative Order 2010-136, creates an administrative  fourth branch of judiciary government without approval by ANY Governor or  Arizona House of Representatives Judiciary Committee.




Stay Decision and Order Imposing Sanctions by the Hearing Panel dated 12/19/2023 against Sponsel;

Suspend Supreme Court Rule 52, until there has been a constitutional review to determine Rule 52, contingent on constitutionally legally valid and does not conflict with the Arizona Constitution; and

Suspend Supreme Court Rule 52, that gives the Hearing Panel, a murder weapon  to fatally “kill” Sponsel and other Arizona Lawyer’s professional occupational Lawyer’s licenses  and their financial livelihoods. 

The “Decision and Order Imposing Sanctions,” filed: 12/19/2023, against April Sponsel reads in pertinent part:  “The hearing panel was comprised of Presiding Disciplinary Judge Margaret H. Downie, attorney member Mark S. Sifferman, and public member Randall Clark.”

Sponsel was prosecuted by the Hearing Panel under Count Two alleged violation of ER 1.1.  and ER to mean: (Ethical Rule).  Do you know the Ethical Rules, are NOT adopted into any Arizona statutory civil or criminal laws?  

Conclusion paragraph within the “Decision and Order Imposing Sanctions,” reads in pertinent part: … “April Arlene Sponsel is suspended from the practice of law in Arizona for two years.” … 

A two year suspension has the same effect as a disbarment and taking of Sponsel’s vested law license.

The taking of Sponsel’s law license and livelihood has NOT been done by a real “Court of Record,” because the Hearing Panel is nothing more than an administrative hearing body, that does NOT uphold State or Federal constitutional laws.

Do you know the administrative Hearing Panel proceedings against Sponsel denied Sponsel a Jury Trial? 

Do you know Sponsel and other Arizona Lawyer’s do NOT have First Amendment Protections? 

Because the Arizona legislative Judiciary Branch of government has not been able to force  the Supreme Court of Arizona into compliance with implementing First Amendment protections for Sponsel and Arizona Lawyer’s.

ER to mean Ethical Rules

The Ethical Rules are only policy guidelines of Non-Profit Corporation doing business as:  State Bar of Arizona. All proceedings are nothing more than sui generis pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 48(a) and administrative.


Arizona Supreme Court, enough is enough STOP the kangaroo unconstitutional proceedings against Arizona Lawyer’s.

The Hearing Panel’s Infrastructure has been unconstitutional since its inception. 


Courts, including the State Supreme Court of Arizona, do NOT make laws they interpret and decide laws!


Moffatt Media, has been conducting Case Studies since 2015, regarding the State Bar of Arizona, the Hearing Panel and the State Supreme Court of Arizona.

It continues to be unfortunate that the Arizona Supreme Court appears to have gone rogue against persons like Sponsel and other Arizona Lawyer’s.  

Maybe it’s time for Congress to conduct Congressional Inquiries against the Arizona Supreme Court, Hearing Panel and including Supreme Court Rule 52.


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About Investigative Journalist

Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder of Moffatt Media, Investigative Journalist, Certified Paralegal.  Lead Paralegal in two U.S. Supreme Court cases and Completed First Year of Law School.

Email on this article topic issue: [email protected]

Follow Star on Twitter / X: @star_moffatt




California “Unclean Hands” Concealed spent $134 Mil on Vulnerable Old Voting Machines targets Trump 2023

Smart Voters do you know California has concealed  $ 134 MIL SPENT TO RETIRE OLD VOTING MACHINES?

“County elections officials must now implement a voting system that meets the state’s newest testing and certification standards in time for the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election,” per Secretary of State Alex Padilla, February 27, 2019.  …

“Throughout California, many counties are using voting systems that are at or near their life
expectancy,” Secretary of State Alex Padilla said. “Some counties use machines that are so old that vendors no longer make replacement parts. Some counties utilize operating systems that are so old that they are no longer supported and security upgrades are not available.
While county officials have worked diligently to keep equipment up and running, our democracy faces increasingly sophisticated threats from nefarious actors, both foreign and domestic. The time is now for all California counties to modernize voting equipment.”  … Bold added for emphasis.

“The state budget for the current year includes $134.3 million for counties to upgrade or replace aging voting systems.”“In a February 12, 2019 hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, DHS Director Christopher Krebs testified that “It will take significant and continual investment to ensure that election systems across the nation are upgraded and secure, with vulnerable systems retired. These efforts require a whole of government approach.” Bold added for emphasis.

Smart Voters, do you think rather than California casting a stone at 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump, maybe the solution for California is to do away with its vulnerable Voting Machines and in 2024 use “Paper Ballots:” Yes or No?

California, let’s make the 2024 election different, use “Paper Ballots” to restore honesty and integrity instead of contributing towards the erosion of voting democracy.   Cyber-hackers pose no threat without having program codes to flip “Paper Ballots.”  

California STOP casting stones at TRUMP, because your hands are NOT  clean and to remove TRUMP’s name off the ballot may cause a “Rise of Smart Voters,” to peacefully protest with just simply writing-in Trump’s name on the 2024 Ballot. 

California do you know the State of Colorado received in 2020 $7,133,864.00?   That’s right the Federal government (EAC) issued $7.3 Mil to Colorado also for Cybersecurity enhancements of its (outdated) Irregular  Voting Machines. 

Fast forward 2023, Colorado moves to remove Former President Donald J. Trump off the 2024 Ballot. Colorado your hands aren’t clean either STOP casting stones! 

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Person impersonating law enforcement dead under COVID-19 Mask Mandate – three other persons wrongfully convicted

Cynthia Walker speaking out on her four family members “Unequal Justice” by Michigan Court.

Click here to Listen

“Three of my family members were jailed in 2020 and they didn’t even receive a Trial until October 2022.   

Mandatory Michigan mask-wearing mandates due to COVID 19 infections imposed by Governor Whitmer who relied on Dr. Fauci.

I stand firm that my family members were wrongfully accused, maliciously prosecuted and convicted for 25 years Without the Possibility of Parole, for a matter involving self-defense with a person impersonating being a law enforcement security guard.

Also Court Ordered Fines $919.20, does not make ANY commonsense.  The court ordered fines of $919.20 does not match the criminal punishment imposed of “Life in Prison without the Possibility of Parole,” against my family member Larry Teague.  

Judge Brian Pickell has sealed the video that would exonerate all my family members and I am wondering what is there to hide?  

Our Un-American True Story begins: 

My family members suffered wrongful convictions in the Death of an individual who was impersonating a law enforcement security guard. 

The fourth family member took a Plea Agreement, in lieu of prison, so that she would not be separated from her minor children.   Instead the Michigan State prosecutor still separated this family member from her own children.  

This family member even though not behind actual prison bars, it is the invisible prison bars that torment her mind on a daily basis.  Because the judge also issued an unlawful No-Contact Order, prohibiting her from even speaking with her own parents and Brother who are wrongfully in prison.   

Governor Whitmer’s  COVID-19 mask mandate provided an opportunity for the opportunistic officials of Michigan, to fraudulently arrest and convict anyone that opposed wearing paper Mask.

The death of a purported security guard and three criminal convictions surround fraudulent Mask Mandates imposed by Michigan.  The Mask Mandates were a perfect political opportunity, in a season of Elections.    The scientific logic of a paper-cloth mask was absent, other than the premise that people would feel more protected.

Amazingly enough, in an attempt to cover up the NIH funding of illegal testing of a virus and entire staff back up the animal transmission theory; no animal to human transmission has ever been found.

My niece Sharmel Teague began to enter the Family Dollar store in Flint Michigan, with a Mask on.  The Greeter (later found not to be an actual security guard), became verbally abusive, harassing and degrading Sharmel while her daughter Brya was waiting outside of the store.

Brya the daughter never attempted to enter the store, nor was she ever in the store, as reported by PROSECUTOR David Leyton.

The son (Ramonyea) who has been licensed by the GENESEE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT, after completing training, comes to the store and asks one clerk if she witnessed or knew who had assaulted his mother. The Store Clerk said no, but to ask someone else.   (Ramonyea) does not know who the perpetrator is or if he works there or was a customer, that’s why he asked the Store Clerk.  

The law enforcement Security Guard Impersonator was unlawfully carrying a weapon, and violating store policy being a felon in the possession of a weapon.   

The security guard impersonator had ties with Bryant Nolden, Commissioner, who is now deceased.  

But Bryant Nolden had a change of heart and told me that the deceased security guard impersonator was not in fact a licensed security guard and then Nolden came up dead!

Also the law enforcement impersonator  was unlawfully carrying a 38 caliber pistol. (Ramonyea) the son was never aware that the impersonator was the perpetrator who had attacked his mother. (Ramonyea) said his main objective was to determine if anyone had knowledge of the assault against his Mom and if so, identify the perpetrators.

In the midst of investigating (Ramonyea) was interrupted by a familiar voice yelling who hit my wife, who put their hands on my wife and simultaneously observed two men exit a room.    Ramonyea’ observation and training from the Sheriff’s kicked-in.

(Ramonyea) observed two men approaching his dad and one was fumbling in his pocket.   It is no longer about who assaulted his mother and once he saw one man remove a gun out of his pocket as he neared his dad, who was frantically yelling: “who hit my wife,” Ramonyea, tactically worked his way to the scene and shot the Family Dollar Security Guard impersonator (Greeter), in fear for his dad’s life, to defend and protect his father.  What any loving son would do to protect his father.

Ramonyea’ father was unaware that his life was in danger, until the security guard impersonator was shot and the gun fell out of his hand after being shot.

The Security camera video footage will show my family members innocence, but defense counsel and the Michigan state prosecutors will not provide me a copy of incident surveillance video footage.   Judge Pickell has also sealed the Video without justification.

True there does exist within the United States a two tiered system, when a State, Court and its elected officials can fabricate a case and violate all of your constitutional rights knowingly and willingly, with no repercussions. Time for Court Accountability.”



Whether the purported Michigan Sentencing Judge Brian S. Pickell has a valid “Oath of Office?

 Stay tuned for Part 2


Non-binary Trend – Humor

Sometimes “Moffatt Media” needs to have a little humor.

So let’s begin:

The peer pressures we encounter as children and adults, and the expectations society as a whole place on us is enough to endure. Then along comes the Non-binary trend. That is what I call it, “The Non-binary trend.” It does seem like a trend because although gays and lesbians have been around since the dawn of time it was not, in-our-faces.   

It was not forced on people back then as it is today.  So, what gives? Why all of the fuss?  Why is the LGBTQIA+ society so hell bent on acceptance, haven’t people already accepted them for who they are? 

I say it is a ‘trend’ because that is exactly what trends are: they come and then they go, just like the ugly brown corduroy jeans did in the 70’s, the novelty wore off.

I am not attacking the LGBTQIA+ society as a whole, actually, I am trying to understand it. Nevertheless, the world is changing and people everywhere are demanding conformity.  But where is the ‘line in the sand’ drawn?  How do we, who do not understand the uttering of pronouns, acclimate to this paradigm?  It is all too confusing. “Them, They, Their,” compared to ‘He’ and ‘She’ or ‘Her’ and ‘Him’ etc., is again, confusing. And with ‘confusion,’ chaos ensues; and it is apparent the world is in chaos. 

Diving down the rabbit hole of confusion I have made a few discoveries regarding Non-binary.  I have learned that Non-binary is not a catch-all phrase for each ‘gender preference’ of LGBTQIA+ folks.   For example, the word “gender” comes to mind, and frankly, I have my own version of what (I think) ‘gender’ means but, it widely conflicts with what it means to most of the LGBTQIA+ folks.

There is information on the internet that explain the “Non-binary.” I thought Non-binary was a catch-all phrase for males and females whom do not fit the in the (male/female) binary. E.g., I learned that “Non-binary” and “genderfluid” are not the same thing, nor are they mutually exclusive.

Then we have the transgender folks: Apparently, “transgender” is the umbrella word for people who do not ‘identify’ with the gender that was ‘assigned’ to them at birth.  Myself, I would think that a persons’ ‘gender’ is God Given.  Or, in case you are an atheist then one might say that your ‘gender’ was ‘universe given.’  Either way, genders are not ‘assigned’ I mean really, by whom, a doctor?  Well, there are current stories circulating now of [actual] doctors that ARE “assigning” gender to even minor children; with of course, ‘parental permission.’  So much for their Hippocratic oath and complicit Moms and Dads receiving the parent of the year award.

“Genderfluid” means that a person’s ‘gender’ is not permanent as over time it can change.  I thought these people were (simply) bisexual.  At least that is what we called them ‘back-in-the-day.’

It is 2022, no one has a problem with the LGBTQIA+ society; as a matter of fact, I believe that it is more accepted now than it was perhaps 50 years ago.   Although [certain] ‘family members’ and friends disagree with my position on the matter, I love her and him just the same.  (Notice how I said “her and him” as opposed to “them” or “they.”)  Nonetheless, we disagreed and suddenly I was bombarded with (what I like to call) “heterosexual slurs,” e.g., “You’re ignorant, you’re a bigot, or, you’re toxic,” and my all-time favorite, you are indicative of “toxic masculinity.” And if you are a white male in his 50’s then you hit the trifecta of all three ‘slurs’ combined.

So, do we, ‘Boomers’ hate Non-binary people?   Of course not.  What we “hate” is the expectation that “binary” people be expected to cater to their “feelings.” As a societal whole, it is uncalled for, forcing folks to address them with pronouns so that they can feel comfortable and safe.

So, what is the answer to all of this hoopla?  Must we bow down to this “trend” whereby having to relearn the English language just to spare their ‘feelings’ or do we go back to basics and just tell them to suck it up and get tough?  I know speaking for myself, I do not think it is my job to make them ‘feel’ comfortable.  And if the LGBTQIA+ community ‘prides’ itself on tolerance, acceptance, and things of that nature, then perhaps when looking for accountability they should gaze into a mirror rather than a telescope. Until then, we can only hope that this “Trend” will fade away faster than cassette tapes did.

Arend Mathijssen, III, Visiting Columnist


Court Law Clerk says happy Trump Indicted

Why am I so happy and content that Trump has been indicted in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida? 

I think it goes a long way to proving how false and prejudicial the “justice system” really is.

I am happy because I think Donald J. Trump is in good company (namely me) and so am I (in good company, namely Trump).   Remember the saying “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns?”

Well, how about extending that a little bit more broadly: “when being a good, normal, freeman is outlawed, only outlaws will be good and normal freeman.”   I feel vindicated in my life.  On December 7, 1999, I was indicted and felt it ruined my life.  I never did a split second of jail time for that indictment, but it did ruin my career.  But it was all political HOT AIR.

I am now no less competent to run for President than the best President of recent memory, possibly the freest and most normal, uncompromised President since JFK (and, of course, JFK was SOOO inconvenient that they shot him—to replace him by one of the worst and most detested Presidents ever, namely LBJ).  No, I’m not a saint, neither is Donald John Trump, neither was JFK.  All three of us are/were oversexed womanizers with deep-seated disrespect for social norms and “the powers that be.”

And now, on June 9, 2023, Trump finds himself indicted in the Court where I was a judicial law clerk thirty years ago when his bankruptcy was the first case that came across my desk.  The American Criminal Justice System is really and truly criminal.  But in all other ways it betrays its name: it is UNAmerican, INjust, and “systematic” only in its betrayal of the constitution and all concepts of equity and fairness.

Donald John Trump: welcome to the real American Heart of Darkness.  

Since you would not give up your quest to make America Great Again, even though you and I may not agree about exactly what it takes to Make America Great Again, they have set out to destroy you, just as they did me back in 1999.

You were a rising star then in 1999—I was cut off before I turned 40.

But this is the real purpose of the American Criminal Justice System: to shut down our people and to destroy America once and for all!

God Bless and Save you, Donald John Trump!  You and all other righteous men and women who find themselves in the cross-hairs of the American Criminal Justice System.

Charles Edward Lincoln, III, Visiting Columnist with “Moffatt Media”


Disbar Alvin Bragg New York District Attorney Prosecutor for Targeting Former President

Alvin Bragg Jr., District Attorney (Prosecutor), on the job one-year, targets Former President Donald Trump, is so un-American.  Should Bragg  be DISBARRED? 

One has to ask, why would anyone allow Rookie Bragg to pursue former President Trump?  Because he (Bragg) is indispensable and other smart tenured staff in the Manhattan DA’s Office do not wish to jeopardize their own Retirement Plans and livelihoods. 

But did you know that between 2018 & 2020 the Federal government under the Trump administration fed the State of New York with $41.4 Million?  

 And did you know that the Federal government then fed the State of New York with another $3.2 Million in the year 2022?   

The Federal government fed the State of New York, multiple millions of dollars ($45 Mil) in years 2018-2022 for Voting Cyber Security enhancements and “Remediation.”  Does the State of New York not realize the saying:  “Never bite the hand that feeds you.” 


Is the State of New York suffering from memory lapse, that from 2018 through 2020 Former President Trump and his Administration, has fed New York with multiple millions of dollars for Voting Cyber Security enhancements (improvements)?  

Public Interest Parting Question: Should the Federal government request a refund of the ($45 Mil), Sanction and investigate Voting Irregularities, in the 2021 Manhattan District Attorney General Election?  

Bragg won his DA (Prosecutor) seat on November 2 2021 at: 83.2% and took office January 1, 2022.  During the General Election, one opponent only garnered 16.7%.   Something seems suspicious with this District Attorney Election on its surface. 

Maybe The Project 65 should look at filing a lawyer licensing complaint against Bragg, to have him DISBARRED, for maybe exceeding his scope of employment, job duties and job functions by targeting Former President Trump, on a subject matter of 2016, past the statute of limitations. 

Shameful justice State of New York, in condoning  Alvin Bragg’s illegal targeting Former President Trump.   The same man, former President Trump and his administration, who has helped feed your state.   

“Moffatt Media,” waits for the unsealed purported Indictment against former President Trump! 
