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Person’s who would NOT vote for “Kamala Harris”

By  Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder/Investigative Journalist

Palmdale, CA (Moffatt Media)



Moffatt Media predicts that Kamala Harris will become the first Woman President, even if only for three months, when purported President Joe Biden steps down in the upcoming days or weeks.

First let’s ask Harris why is she giving the middle finger?

Now the sad part is, many will support Harris to become the first Woman President, just to have it etched within  history books, with Harris being the first Black Woman President, in 200 years plus!  Sorry as the CEO of Moffatt Media, I am not drinking Harris’ Kool-Aid, for the benefit of Harris, simply because I too am also a Multicultural Black American Woman!

Did you know that Harris was actually born an Anchor Baby, which probably explains why Harris has supported Open Borders and Sanctuary cities?

Did you know that Harris’ parents were  in the United States on Foreign Student Visas and they NEVER became Citizens of the United States?

According to John Eastman, who was eventually put on Inactive Status3/30/2024, by  the California Bar, Eastman said the following, well before his Inactive Status about Harris:

“The fact that Senator Kamala Harris has just been named the vice presidential running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has some questioning her eligibility for the position. The 12th Amendment provides that “no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.” And Article II of the Constitution specifies that “[n]o person except a natural born citizen…shall be eligible to the office of President.

Her father was (and is) a Jamaican national, her mother was from India, and neither was a naturalized U.S. citizen at the time of Harris’ birth in 1964. That, according to these commentators, makes her not a “natural born citizen”—and therefore ineligible for the office of the president and, hence, ineligible for the office of the vice president.” – Novice readers click on the area in purple to read the Source document by Eastman.

Kamala Harris’ parents Shyamala Gopalan Harris and Donald Harris.


Harris is not a Natural Born Citizen and only an Anchor Baby who received a “Birthright Citizenship.”

How did Harris become a VP when only having a “Birthright Citizenship”  as an Anchor Baby?   Now fast forward to 2024 Harris, Anchor Baby, steam rolling out of my brain thinking how Harris now qualifies to become the President of the USA.



“Our coalition in Santa Clara County, United for Families, sent Kamala Harris a request to both meet and to investigate California Family and Dependency Courts taking legal rights to children unlawfully. She declined to meet and dismissed our request to investigate the courts separation of parents and children.”~ Erin O.


“The San Mateo District Attorney’s office and the prosecutor on the Dr. William Ayres child molestation case abused and lied to the victims of Dr. Ayres from 2009-2012 and in at least two other high profile child molestation case.

The victims and I submitted many letters to Harris, asking her to look into the abuses and prosecutorial misconduct. Her office did nothing. Wasn’t interested. I finally got the State Bar to do something about the prosecutor but it was not easy. I was and am disgusted by Harris. I am also told by a friend of Bill Lockyer, the former AG, that Kamala used to call Lockyer all the time for help, and that she isn’t very bright.. I know that’s mean but she was a disaster as an AG.

She also covered and protected for the Orange County prosecutors who committed prosecutorial misconduct, and she was called out by 9th circuit for doing so.”  ~ Victoria B.


“We went to a fundraiser in Beverly Hills in 2014 or 15 and told Lexi Dillion’s story. We got nearly 1000 signatures on a petition regarding Lexi and it was delivered to Gov. Brown and Kamala Harris as the Atty General of the state with hard evidence that Lexi was in danger. Both Brown and Harris blew off the petition. Kamala Harris was a disaster for California’s children. She picks and chooses the kind of rape victims she will open investigation for and support…

Her decisions must promote her political agenda and career. Dr Ford was an adult woman with a 30 year old case and no real evidence…Lexi had CAST interviews, medical reports, a therapist and a 730 evaluator’s evidence behind her. Kamala had no time for Lexi…but, she was Johnny on the spot for Dr. Ford. We will never forgive her.”~Malinda S.


“So sad we have legal individuals who don’t uphold our laws and civil rights. Someone in her office asked me several years ago if I would be interested in working for her. I turned them down because our political arena is so corrupt. “~Dr. K.


“A few years after a Deputy Attorney General’s child was murdered by the violent father with a family court judge as an accomplice to the homicide, the Attorney General’s office under Kamela Harris developed a Bureau of Children’s Justice that operates in Los Angeles.


When we met with them and brought litigants from other family court disasters, they were at first dismissive (actually saying to us, “these are just he said, she said cases”, then paid some grudging attention after hearing the stories. 


However, the upshot was nothing. They only focus on CPS, not state level judges.”  ~ Connie V.
“Harris and Trump have one thing in common, both will say whatever they feel will get them what they want in life. Chameleons have great survival skills. She is a mixed race woman of color, with wealthy influential backers, pretty, thin, above average intelligence, and very well-spoken.  She should go far in this modern world, no matter what platform or cause she chooses. That does not make her someone I want for the President of my country. I feel the country will not elect a woman. Misogyny runs deep in the USA.” ~ Elizabeth K.
#GOD save the USA from Kamala Harris

Murders have more ‘Constitutional Rights’ than Lawyer’s

Moffatt Media Report

By Star Moffatt, CEO of Moffatt Media


It has become a sad day in the proud (USA) when murderers have more constitutional protections than Lawyers. ~ Star Moffatt

Proud (USA) what a shame that you give Murder’s access to equal justice, yet trample on the constitutional rights and equal protections of a certain group of people whose lives also matter: Lawyer’s.

(USA) you turn a blind eye by allowing certain State Supreme Courts to delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations.  Those same corporations then operate past their jurisdictions, authorities, Mission Statements, Articles and By-Laws.

The State Supreme Courts delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations that investigate, criminally charge and prosecute Lawyer’s with using administrative judges and sui generis proceedings (make it up as you go), without affording Lawyer’s Civil or Criminal jurisdictional “Jury Trials within Courts of Record, among their peers! “    Consequently, denying lawful judgment before one’s peers, under the Seventh Amendment Constitution.

These same corporations have a pattern and practice NOT to uphold State or Federal Constitutional laws, because they often out rightly ignore constitutional challenges when confronted.

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Congressional inquiries begin against the State Supreme Court of Arizona and the State Supreme Court of California, for failing to uphold Separation of Powers … by delegating court prosecutorial powers to Corporations to regulate, investigate, charge and prosecute (discipline) Lawyers by corporate entities State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.

See Supreme Court of Arizona Court Rule 32 (2)(D)The State Bar of Arizona “is both investigator and prosecutor.” … said John Phelps, CEO and Executive Director, State Bar of Arizona, source:  The Arizona Republic.

 State Bar of Arizona  – See abstracted 2019 AZ BAR TAX RETURN Tax Year 2019


State Bar of California Corporation – See California Constitution Article VI Section 9). 

 Also See California Business Professions Code Section 6001.1 regarding the State Bar of California, “… regulatory, and disciplinary functions.”…

States such as California and Arizona, have not modified their State Constitutions, to delegate prosecutorial powers to the State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.  The failure to modify State Constitutions makes it unconstitutional and illegal, for delegating prosecutorial powers to ANY corporations including the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Arizona.

Hence corporations State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, do not uphold First & Seventh Amendment constitutional protections applicable to a certain group of people too mean: Lawyers, who are Protected Class Members defined:  Disabled, “particular race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), or national origin,” and Older American Lawyers.

Corporations like the State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, only look out for the interest of alignment with State Supreme Courts and their own policy guideline Ethical Rules.

Injustices not to preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections, kills off law degrees, to become worthless, which are already exacerbated in existing inequalities within the labor industry of Lawyers.

Corporate entity State Bar of Arizona, provided the murder weapon and proceeded to fatally “kill” my forty year legal career, while denying my constitutional rights, says: Tony Guajardo.

The injustice against Tony Guajardo is now a norm to fatally kill and wipe out a Lawyer’s seasoned career without offering ANY diversion solutions, which would preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections to alleged first time non-violent offenders.

Guajardo Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Former Assistant Attorney General of Texas, Former Counsel with the United States Supreme Court, Administrative Law Judge, Senior Trial Attorney with the EEOC, Federal Bar Association President, Bexar County Criminal District Attorney, Staff Attorney with the Gulf Coast Legal Foundation and Former Arizona Lawyer.

Tribute to Tony Guajardo: J.D.M, Rachel Alexander, Lisa Aubuchon, Andrew Thomas, Dr. Jane Ross, John Eastman, Jeff Clark, Kurt Olsen, Bryan Blehm, Connie Reguli and other fallen Lawyers who have spoken up and out, exposing government public corruption!
