• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Mike Garcia “Congressman” is not Broken


By  Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder / Investigative Journalist

Palmdale, CA (Moffatt Media) —


Reelect Mike Garcia Congressional Member-Military Veteran because Garcia is not broken.

You Smart Voters recall there is a saying “If it is NOT broken don’t try and fix it!”

As such don’t try to fix Garcia by replacing Garcia with an opposing candidate who does NOT have an established track record within Congressional District (CD) 27.   

Moffatt Media endorses Mike Garcia for the 27th Congressional District. 

Garcia has earned an established track record in representing the people-constituents and businesses (small, medium and large), in (CD) 25, since 2020-2023 and serving (CD) 27, from 2023 to present.     

Moffatt Media has also come to learn that Garcia opposes: Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities and Excessive Taxation’s.

Watch and Listen to the below reason why Moffatt Media endorses Garcia:


Do you know that Garcia is a Military Navy Veteran who earned the ranked: Lieutenant Commander?  Garcia, himself a pilot, was even “deployed as an F/A-18 aviator from the USS Nimitz.  … Garcia has “participated in over 30 Combat Missions,” in order to defend your freedoms against foreign enemy Terrorists? 

Garcia’s track record proves he (Garcia) can fight in combat against enemies and will continue to fight for you in Congress. 

If you love your country (USA) and Congressional District 27, is where you reside, mark your calendar to VOTE for GARCIA, on November 5, 2024, Tuesday.

Garcia fights on real life-issues affecting real life people within CD 27.

 “Reducing regulations to increase California jobs,” says Garcia. …  

Today marks Memorial Day of 05/27/2024, in “tribute to commemorate the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice and never came home.  Their bravery and selflessness are the bedrock of our nation’s freedom, and it is our duty to ensure their sacrifice is never forgotten,” said Garcia.

Because Garcia will NOT stop fighting in Congress for YOU the Smart Voters.

Thank you Garcia for your ultimate sacrifice of “30 Military Combat Missions” and serving Congressional District’s: 25 and 27.

Vote on November 5, 2024, to Re-Elect Mike Garcia, Congressional Member and Veteran Hero!



Murders have more ‘Constitutional Rights’ than Lawyer’s

Moffatt Media Report

By Star Moffatt, CEO of Moffatt Media


It has become a sad day in the proud (USA) when murderers have more constitutional protections than Lawyers. ~ Star Moffatt

Proud (USA) what a shame that you give Murder’s access to equal justice, yet trample on the constitutional rights and equal protections of a certain group of people whose lives also matter: Lawyer’s.

(USA) you turn a blind eye by allowing certain State Supreme Courts to delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations.  Those same corporations then operate past their jurisdictions, authorities, Mission Statements, Articles and By-Laws.

The State Supreme Courts delegate court prosecutorial powers to corporations that investigate, criminally charge and prosecute Lawyer’s with using administrative judges and sui generis proceedings (make it up as you go), without affording Lawyer’s Civil or Criminal jurisdictional “Jury Trials within Courts of Record, among their peers! “    Consequently, denying lawful judgment before one’s peers, under the Seventh Amendment Constitution.

These same corporations have a pattern and practice NOT to uphold State or Federal Constitutional laws, because they often out rightly ignore constitutional challenges when confronted.

Moffatt Media Recommends

Congressional inquiries begin against the State Supreme Court of Arizona and the State Supreme Court of California, for failing to uphold Separation of Powers … by delegating court prosecutorial powers to Corporations to regulate, investigate, charge and prosecute (discipline) Lawyers by corporate entities State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.

See Supreme Court of Arizona Court Rule 32 (2)(D)The State Bar of Arizona “is both investigator and prosecutor.” … said John Phelps, CEO and Executive Director, State Bar of Arizona, source:  The Arizona Republic.

 State Bar of Arizona  – See abstracted 2019 AZ BAR TAX RETURN Tax Year 2019


State Bar of California Corporation – See California Constitution Article VI Section 9). 

 Also See California Business Professions Code Section 6001.1 regarding the State Bar of California, “… regulatory, and disciplinary functions.”…

States such as California and Arizona, have not modified their State Constitutions, to delegate prosecutorial powers to the State Bar of Arizona and the State Bar of California.  The failure to modify State Constitutions makes it unconstitutional and illegal, for delegating prosecutorial powers to ANY corporations including the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Arizona.

Hence corporations State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, do not uphold First & Seventh Amendment constitutional protections applicable to a certain group of people too mean: Lawyers, who are Protected Class Members defined:  Disabled, “particular race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), or national origin,” and Older American Lawyers.

Corporations like the State Bar of Arizona and State Bar of California, only look out for the interest of alignment with State Supreme Courts and their own policy guideline Ethical Rules.

Injustices not to preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections, kills off law degrees, to become worthless, which are already exacerbated in existing inequalities within the labor industry of Lawyers.

Corporate entity State Bar of Arizona, provided the murder weapon and proceeded to fatally “kill” my forty year legal career, while denying my constitutional rights, says: Tony Guajardo.

The injustice against Tony Guajardo is now a norm to fatally kill and wipe out a Lawyer’s seasoned career without offering ANY diversion solutions, which would preserve upholding constitutional rights and equal protections to alleged first time non-violent offenders.

Guajardo Disabled Vietnam Veteran, Former Assistant Attorney General of Texas, Former Counsel with the United States Supreme Court, Administrative Law Judge, Senior Trial Attorney with the EEOC, Federal Bar Association President, Bexar County Criminal District Attorney, Staff Attorney with the Gulf Coast Legal Foundation and Former Arizona Lawyer.

Tribute to Tony Guajardo: J.D.M, Rachel Alexander, Lisa Aubuchon, Andrew Thomas, Dr. Jane Ross, John Eastman, Jeff Clark, Kurt Olsen, Bryan Blehm, Connie Reguli and other fallen Lawyers who have spoken up and out, exposing government public corruption!




“John Eastman” scholarly attorney has been investigated, charged, prosecuted and convicted by Public CORPORATION – State Bar of California

Public Interest Concern:  PUBLIC CORPORATION having a corporate name: The State Bar of California (SBC) has illegally investigated, charged and prosecuted Trump Adviser John Eastman.    (SBC) proceedings against Eastman have been done before an unconstitutional illegal Court. 

Eastman has been Illegally investigated, charged (administratively) and prosecuted by “CORPORATION,” State Bar of California, which is a non-governmental organization (NGO) “Public Corporation?”  

The proceedings before (SBC) are illegal and administrative proceedings only against Eastman, because (SBC) is NOT a real court of law.   The administrative proceedings are done by (SBC), which does NOT have to uphold State or Federal Constitutional laws that protect Eastman and other California Lawyer’s.


The California Constitution admits that the State Bar of California is only a public corporation.   See California Constitution Article 6 Section 9, which  reads in pertinent part: “[t]he State Bar of California is a Public Corporation.” … 


Do you know the State Bar of California has NOT been delegated STATE POLICE PROSECUTORIAL POWERS?  Only the County District Attorney’s Office usually conducts investigations to criminally charge people.  Not a “Public Corporation.”  


“This Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.” 


There have NOT been ANY amendments to the California Constitution to allow the public corporation State Bar of California (SBC) to receive prosecutorial or court powers to be recognized as an official “Court of Record,” or a prosecutorial agency similar to a District Attorney’s Office. 


Shame on the State Supreme Court of California for going rogue in delegating your court powers to CORPORATION: The State Bar of California (SBC) . 


It’s time to take back your wrongfully delegated regulatory powers to CORPORATION (SBC) and retain both jurisdiction and regulatory powers over California Lawyer’s.  Failure by the State Supreme Court of California to take back wrongfully delegating powers outside of the California Constitution will continue to cause  imminent public safety dangers to both consumers  and California Lawyer’s. 



WHETHER  the State Bar of California,  has committed  Prosecutorial Misconduct, against Eastman?

California Bar you’re now exposed and no longer permitted to conceal from the public your legendary myth inferring to be a licensing body when in fact only a mere “Public Corporation.”


The State Supreme Court of California nor the State of California can delegate prosecutorial or judicial powers to ANY “Public Corporation,” because “judicial power of this State is vested in the Supreme Court, courts of appeal, and superior courts, all of which are courts of record.”


“[t]his Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.   See  Department of Transportation v Association of American Railroads 575 U.S 43 2015 Amtrak

Thus, an abhorrent appearance of “Conflict of Interest” exists between the State Supreme Court of California and the State Bar of California.   The “Conflict of Interest” is problematic because it violates Constitutional Separation of Powers. 

A conflict of interest scheme causes the Supreme Court to run afoul of the Separation of Powers, with (NGO), Public Corporation State Bar of California against Eastman.

Eastman’s own attorneys will NOT challenge the abhorrent constitutional conflict of interest in violation with Separation of  Powers, between the Supreme Court and State Bar of California, are they too will find themselves DISBARRED!

To this end, the State Supreme Court of California, was the only licensing government body that issued  Eastman lawyer’s license to practice law and  hang his lawyer’s license on his wall of fame for public viewing.  


The power of history is in telling the truth:  California 2020 admits spent $134mil Voting Machines outdated beyond repair. 


Note areas highlighted in “purple” click on to read: supportive documents or sources of references.


Prosecutor “Unclean Hands” against Mark Ridley Thomas

Prosecutor Dirty COP “Unclean Hands” Weaponizes Indictment schemes against Mark Ridley Thomas and other American Citizens.  



Prosecutor (Dirty COP) Tracy Wilkison had “Unclean Hands” when she impaneled Grand Juries, filed (FAKE) criminal Indictments and targeted American Citizens:


  •   Mark Ridley Thomas, Former City Council Member of Los Angeles County.  Prosecutor Wilkison impaneled Grand Jury 4/1/2021, filed  (FAKE) Indictment, 10/13/2021, against Thomas.   Mark Ridgley Thomas INDICTMENT
  •  Criminal Docket # cr 2:21-cr-00485-PA  $100,000.00 alleged Bribery, Conspiracy. …  Twenty Counts

Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Statutes “Life In Prison.”  Sentencing August 28, 2023. 


  • Jeff Fortenberry, Former Nebraska Congressman.  Prosecutor Wilkison impaneled Grand Jury 6/1/2021, filed (FAKE) Indictment 10/19/2021, against Fortenberry.


  • Criminal Docket # cr 2:21-cr-00491-SB

        $30,000.00 alleged Foreign Campaign donation received in California.   – Three counts of alleged False Statements to FBI agents.  Federal Mandatory Minimum Statutes- Sentencing 15 years in prison.  Convicted and Sentenced only two years probation with a $25,000 Fine. Fortenberry filed an Appeal, October 29, 2022.


  • Dr. Jeff Moffatt, Former Congressional Candidate- (Retired) Federal Attorney. Prosecutor Wilkison impaneled Grand Jury 6/1/2021, filed  (FAKE) Indictment 7/23/2021, against Moffatt. 

9/3/2021 False and Illegal Arrest against Moffatt.  Criminal Docket # cr 2:21-cr-00335-JAK-1


        $30,000.00 SSA Disabled Attorney Fees Awarded, alleged Five Counts Wire Fraud  and one Count False Statement to SSA.  Series 1 Episode 1: Stay Tuned 

Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Statutes – 105 years in prison.   Trial Scheduled October 24, 2023.


Moffatt Media has conducted Case Studies on several purported Indictments filed against American Citizens.   

Our Findings reveal that Tracy Wilkison, Prosecutor Dirty COP with “Unclean Hands” Weaponized Indictment schemes against American Citizens.  

Unless one is legally trained in Constitutional Law applicable to: (Appointment Clauses and Separation of Powers …), such (FAKE) Indictment schemes induced by Wilkison, Prosecutor-Dirty COP, would have gone unnoticed. 


(FAKE) Indictments against:  Thomas, Fortenberry and Moffatt:

1).  Wilkison was NOT constitutionally seated as a United States Attorney for the Central District of California, at the time when Wilkison filed the Indictments against all (3) American Citizens: Thomas, Fortenberry and Moffatt;

2).  Wilkison did NOT even affix her own signature onto ANY of the (3) (FAKE) Indictments, to make the Indictments as legally binding criminal charging documents, against all (3) American Citizens listed above;

3).  According to the United States Department of Justice, (DOJ),  even admitted in a Freedom of Information Act Request response, that Wilkison, had NOT been Appointed as a United States Attorney for the Central District of California;

4).  Wilkison when Impaneled Grand Juries and submitted the (FAKE) Indictments before the Court, against all (3) American Citizens listed above, Wilkison, had not received ANY Presidential inherent power “Nomination,” from Former President Trump or  President Biden, as a United States Attorney and Wilkison had NOT been Senate Confirmed.

5).  November 16, 2021, Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General, for DOJ, Appointed Tracy Wilkison as the Interim (Acting Officer) United States Attorney for the Central District of California. 

Wilkison filled the vacant seat that was previously held by Nicola Hanna, United States Attorney – Central District.  Hanna did receive a Presidential Nomination by Former President Trump and was Senate Confirmed, as a United States Attorney. 

6).  Wilkison even failed to indicate on the (FAKE) Indictments against all three (3) American Citizens: Thomas, Fortenberry and Moffatt, what Federal agency was her employer, having jurisdiction on the alleged Indictments; and 

7).  July 2022, Wilkison (RESIGNED) from the US DOJ and entirely from the Federal government sector.  It is suspected that Wilkison’s resignation was prompted due to violating the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1988 (Vacancies Act).  5 U.S. Code Section 3348.  …

Tracy Wilkison, Prosecutor who became a Dirty COP and committed acts of Prosecutorial Misconduct, developed schemes to undermine our criminal justice system.   

Wilkison conspired and targeted American Citizens by filing (FAKE)  fraudulent Indictments into the United States District Court – Central District of California.   

Keeping in mind, not one of the above listed three (3) American Citizens have committed ANY violent offenses against the United States of America or violent offenses against ANY persons defined as victims.    

Consequently, the Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Statutes of One-Size-Fits-All, lopsided Federal laws, all three (3) American Citizens, are facing a two-tiered unequal justice system, that will significantly adversely impact their lives, with the loss of livelihoods, costly college degrees down the toilets, loss of life, liberty and freedoms on alleged non-violent offenses and (FAKE) Indictments, how UnAmerican. 

Even all three (3) American Citizens, their families, friends and supporters’ lives they too will be shattered unless the (FAKE) INDICTMENTS are promptly investigated and summarily dismissed by the United States District Court – Central District of California, because Wilkison was NOT constitutionally seated, and committed illegal Indictment schemes not in accordance with Federal laws.  


Did you know Federal District Court Judge’s hands are usually tied when Sentencing under Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Statutes?

To this end, unless United We Stand against the Unconstitutional (FAKE) Fraudulent Indictments against all three (3) American Citizens, listed above, they will face unjust Court Lynchings, by the United States of America, based on Wilkison Prosecutor- Dirty COP, (FAKE) Indictments and Grand Jury Schemes.

Alert:  You could be next facing a (FAKE) Indictment, because Weaponization against American Citizens does not discriminate!  

Share this Real Talk- Real Fact Story, in front of three (3) persuadable people that you know, because it’s NOT about whether one is Republican or Democrat, it is about doing the right thing to expose unjust and lopsided  Federal laws in America. 

It is also about exposing Tracy Wilkison, United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Dirty COP, who has stained the fabric of good COP’s!


Jeff Fortenberry’s Criminal Conviction scheduled to be overturned by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals California


(“Prosecutor News”)

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Indictment was filed on October 19, 2021, against Fortenberry, Former Nebraska Congressman.  The Indictment filed by Tracy Wilkison, United States Acting Attorney General (“Prosecutor”), was invalid.  Because Wilkison’s  TERM EXPIRED, under the Vacancy Reform Act of 1998.

There also existed an impossibility in Wilkison filling the shoes within the United States Attorney General’s position because she had NOT received a Presidential Nomination from President Biden,  pursuant to 5 U.S. Code §3345.   Wilkison was also not Senate confirmed.

Wilkison did NOT even receive ANY Nomination by Donald Trump, Former President to fulfill the United States Attorney General shoes for Central District.

Recent 10 28 2022 9TH CIR CT APPEAL FILED BY FORTENBERRY  within the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, is likely to be granted for improper Venue and problems with Jury Instructions.    

Along with granting Fortenberry’s appeal following an “unprecedented prosecution in which the Department of Justice hauled a sitting member of Congress across the country to stand trial in a foreign jurisdiction on charges of making false statements more than a thousand miles away.”

The appeal cites two key reasons for the conviction to be overturned: improper venue for the case, with the allegedly false statements being made in Nebraska and Washington, D.C.,  Charges filed in California and inadequate jury instructions that failed to appropriately define a key element of the charge; and the materiality of Fortenberry’s statements.

The case against  Fortenberry never should have been brought in the first place.   Criminal charges should have not resulted in California or a conviction, said Glen Summers.   Summers, a leading member of Fortenberry’s legal team and partner with Bartlit Beck LLP.  “This appeal calls on the Ninth Circuit to vacate these convictions to protect Fortenberry and other Americans from having their Constitutional rights trampled.”

FBI agents knew Jeff Fortenberry had no knowledge of illegal contributions to his campaign from a 2016 fundraiser. So, they directed an informant to call him years later and make a few comments in a roughly 10-minute phone call suggesting that people might have made improper contributions at the event.

Nine months later, the very same FBI agent who orchestrated the setup call went to the Congressman’s home in Nebraska and used a “ruse” that he was conducting a background check with a national security aspect to convince the Congressman to speak with him.

Even though the Congressman told the FBI agent about the comments from the informant, both at the first conversation and again in a subsequent interview in Washington, D.C., prosecutors indicted the Congressman for allegedly making false statements to them when he failed to recall some details of the nearly year-old conversation and explained that he was not “aware” of any illegal contributions to his campaign.

Prosecutors with the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Congressman Fortenberry in Los Angeles. 

(DOJ) Prosecutors required Fortenerry to stand trial in Los Angeles, California Central District United States Federal Court.  Even though the alleged false statements were made at interviews conducted in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Washington, D.C.  Fortenberry asserts on appeal that subjecting him to prosecution in Los Angeles was contrary to law.  Subjecting Fortenberry within the wrong Venue (Jurisdiction) and requires that the conviction be set aside.

In Fortenberry’s appeal brief, the conviction should also be set aside.  Because the trial judge gave the jury instructions that inadequately defined critical elements of materiality.  Lacking elements then allowed the jury to convict Fortenberry.   Even though the alleged false statements could not possibly have had any impact or injury on the government.

For a statement to be material, eligible for a false statements charge,  such law requires it to influence governmental decision.

Fortenberry’s statements were not material to the government’s investigation.  Since prosecutors already knew from their own investigation, that Fortenberry had no knowledge of the illegal contributions to his campaign.

Jury Instructions Why Important “Voice Removed” Lawyer Connie Reguli, Listen



Sentencing Reforms by Locked In & Moffatt Media – 105 Year Sentence Inhumane


Sentencing News

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Updated 10/21/2022:   Listen –

Locked In & Moffatt Media are proud to announce a Coalition Sentencing Reform project:  “STOP EXCESSIVE SENTENCING.”  

Amid Sentencing Reforms towards Youth/Adults at Post Convictions and Pretrial.

HOW:  “We start one inmate at a time,” says Locked In & Moffatt Media.

WHY:   Because “Excessive Sentencing,” does not make ANY 21st Century common sense.

Behind Justice Example #1

Carl Robinson, an inmate within California State Prison (CFT), was sentenced to 105 years in Prison.

Locked In and Moffatt Media, mutually agree that our current American Criminal Justice system,  induces  Human Rights Violation in the form of  Genocide.

By targeting, a certain race of people being minorities, disabled and the poor.   The specific targeting causes “EXCESSIVE SENTENCING.” 

Logic does not hold that Robinson a Black American Male inmate at (CTF) Prison, will NOT live out a 105 year sentence.   Because according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Mortality Tables,  males within the United States Total Life Expectancy:  age 74.2. 

Source:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data-visualization/state-life-expectancy/index_2020.htm

 Public Interest Concern Question –

  • Why does the United States Criminal Justice System and California sentence people like Robinson, past his determined (CDC) Life Expectancy?

Now Locked In & Moffatt Media’s, “Call to Action” invites you, your loved ones and friends to join hands with us for true Sentencing Reforms that make common sense.   

“STOP EXCESSIVE SENTENCING,” past one’s Life Expectancy.

Also reduce Fiscal Impact of direct, current, medical and public costs associated with housing Robinson and other inmates throughout the United States past their  Life Expectancy.

Locked In and Moffatt Media … do NOT expect the United States Criminal Justice System to continue imposing inhumane Third World Justice, that erodes public confidence.  

“Press Release Tribute” to my surviving father on this  day of his Birthday 10/10/2022.  ~ Star Moffatt CEO/Founder of Moffatt Media.

Jeff Fortenberry Community Service in Lieu of Prison? Due to Biden’s Failure

Photo Credit: YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/VHcIBNazStw

Sentencing News – Politics

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Fortenberry served as a Congressional Rep., from 2005-2022 (17 years) and resigned on March 26, 2022, after pressure by Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader.    

June 28, 2022 Fortenberry is to be sentenced.  Fortenberry’s sentence was prompted by a federal Jury that found Fortenberry guilty on March 25, 2022.

Along with a Grand Jury Indictment, filed against Fortenberry back on 10/19/2021, in the United States District Court Central District of California. JEFF FORTENBERRY NEBRASA CONGRESSMAN GJ JUNE 2021

But Fortenberry pleaded not guilty for supposedly giving False Statements to FBI agents (2016) on $30k Foreign Campaign Donation, at a California Fundraising Event. 

Fortenberry has served as a Nebraska Congressional Rep., who now finds himself facing “Excessive Sentencing,” for alleged nonviolent offense.

  • Public Interest Concern Question:  Why did Tracy Wilkison, Prosecutor-Acting United States Attorney,  NOT affix her own signature onto the Indictment, against Fortenberry

Because Wilkison was not officially appointed as a United States Attorney for the Central District until November 16, 2021, by Merrick Garland, United States Attorney General.  

  • Second Public Interest Concern Question:  Why is Fortenberry facing a statutory “Mandatory Maximum   Sentencing?”

Because President Biden has failed to restore the United States Sentencing Commission, since January 21, 2020.

Did you know, that both Congressional Representatives Armstrong and Raskin said the lack of quorum also meant the commission cannot update the advisory sentencing guidelines needed to help implement the law, resulting potentially in its uneven application by judges across the country.  

Sadly Biden’s intentional act not to appoint ANY commissioners on the Sentencing Commission, takes another toll on our American criminal justice system!

Installing a new Sentencing Commission would help prevent “Excessive Sentencing” to reform criminal Mandatory Maximum Sentencing, that contribute towards: “Massive Incarceration,” even against alleged nonviolent offenders including Fortenberry.

Since Biden’s failure to restore the Sentencing Commission, Fortenberry’s Sentence should be put on STAY.

In consequence, Fortenberry’s landmark case is an example to now call on Congress with evaluating and reforming 18 U.S. Code §1001, that imposes a Mandatory Maximum Sentencing 5 years.  In Fortenberry case (5 years x 3 counts)=15 year sentence Fortenberry is facing in prison.

Noting, without restoring the United States Sentencing Commission, confidence in the uniformity and fairness of our criminal justice system is gone!

With a broken criminal justice system American Citizens like Fortenberry are now becoming the target of  false criminal charges conjured by American rogue prosecutors.   

Fortberry, will be sentenced on three felony charges, that carries Maximum 15 years in prison, which is an “Excessive Sentence,” even if Fortenberry were to serve one day in Prison away from his family. 

Now as a Congressman who understands the absolute abuse of power brought by a select few corrupt individuals within the Justice Dept … my heart goes out to Congressman Fortenberry and his family for the injustice they have suffered,” said Rep. Rick Renzi

The Judge in Fortenberry’s case can do the right thing by issuing Court Ordered Community Service to Fortenberry with preventing another “Excessive Sentencing,” scheme.

Congress, it is time to bring more attention to “Mandatory Maximum Sentencing,” laws!  Because these same laws cause cruel punishment and “Excessive Sentencing,” where logic does not hold especially towards nonviolent offenders. 

Thus, a 15 year “Mandatory Maximum Sentence” against Fortenberry would be an “Excessive Sentence.”

Kevin McCarthy Congressman had no immediate response.


Military Veteran No Vote for Lisa McClain Congressional Representative


Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Updated 5/21/2022, Saturday

Interview by Moffatt Media, Voting Insights with Randy Hayes, U.S. Military Veteran, says Vote “NO” for Lisa McClain for (2022) Congress.

Veteran Hayes said he will also be encouraging other Military Veterans to Vote “NO,” for Lisa McClain, during her upcoming  Congressional Reelection Campaign.

Moffatt Media: Randy, why are you voting “NO” for Lisa McClain Congressional Rep.?
Randy Hayes: I reached out to McClain’s Michigan and Washington DC Congressional Offices.   Because I was asking for Veterans Assistance and  was told that their offices weren’t able to help me even though I am a Military Veteran and live in her district.

I was only asking for Lisa McClain, Congressional Rep. to make a Congressional Inquiry to assist me with Visiting my Mother (Betty Hayes).  Since the Michigan Wayne County Probate Court, is causing Age Discrimination against my Mother.

My Mother is a protected class member under the Older Americans Act.  From what I have learned the Michigan Probate Court can’t discriminate against my Mother, who is age 87, while in receipt of Federal monies. 

Now back to Congressional Rep. McClain, all I wanted from her was to assist me as a Veteran, but both her Michigan and Washington D.C. offices claimed they couldn’t help me!

It’s really sad when McClain Congressional Rep. was not even willing to make a telephone call on my behalf as a Military Veteran.   Guess I was wrong to think that McClain Congressional Rep. provided Veteran Services.

I have no criminal record and I have never been arrested.    Again, how hard would it be for Congressional Rep. McClain to even make a simple telephone call to the Court, regarding visitations with my mother?
Moffatt Media: Randy, what military branch did you serve in?
Randy Hayes: I served in the Marine Corps Reserve from 1982-1988 and I missed Desert Storm.  From 1992-1995, I was in the Navy Seabees.

Moffatt Media: Randy why did you join the military?
Randy Hayes: I wanted to serve my country and be the best.

Moffatt Media: What age were you when you joined the Military?
Randy Hayes: 18

Moffatt Media: Randy you mentioned that you will be encouraging other Military Veterans to VOTE NO for Congressional Rep. McClain, what steps are you taking to spread the word, vote no on McClain?
Randy Hayes: I am a member of The American Legion, Post 351, Member of The Marine Corps League and I have over 2,000 friends on Facebook, who are mostly military veterans, that I will encourage them to VOTE NO for Ms. McClain.

Moffatt Media: Randy do you have any final words?
Randy Hayes: I have in the past supported Congressional Rep. McClain and  listened to too many of her speeches. Now I will gladly go to Ms. McClain’s opponents to discuss how she has no regard for supporting Veterans.  Because  Ms. McClain has the power to assist me and my mother with a simple telephone call due to the outrageous actions by the Wayne County Probate Court.

It’s time to stand up for those that have lost their “Elder Rights” by the Michigan Wayne County Probate Court.

Congresswoman McClain’s office had no immediate comment.


Beware Report 2 “Slum Housing Clients: “Cornelia Graffin Von Wolfframsdorff & Lance Fountain”

Beware Report Slumlorf Client

The thanks my husband and I get in giving back as blessed Christians, within the Antelope Valley Homeless Community, in Lancaster, CA

Beware Report 1