• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

“MAGA” Black Women Supporting President Trump 2024

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Updated: 8/24/2024, Sat

MAGA “Proud American Black Women” are you fired up and ready to purchase your above T-Shirts in support of President Trump #47?  T-Shirt Merch. available for Preorder 9/11/2024.

Stay tuned and check back with our upcoming online Merchandise Store for our Subscribers and 2024 Black Women supporting Trump.

Merch for a cause (Trump) because you care!

As the CEO & Founder of Moffatt Media, yes Moffatt Media has gone political in 2024, my company and my choice.  When you own it, you control it!


Rachel Alexander predicted “Sidney Powell” Attorney Target

By  Star Moffatt, CEO & Founder/

Investigative Journalist

Palmdale, CA (Moffatt Media) —



Do you know Rachel Alexander on (9-18-2021), predicted Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani would be next Conservative Attorneys politically targeted? 

“Alexander,” made her prediction in 2021, that Powell and Giuliani would become politically targeted.


Alexander used her investigative reporting skills and intuitiveness to make her predictions about Powell and Giuliani.


For those of you that didn’t catch the historic article read at:  2021 Article  by Alexander. Novice readers, click on the highlighted purple area to retrieve the referenced article.


Fellow conservatives members of the Republican Party, it appears Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Leftist Congressional Member, kept her promise to create lists specifically targeting Conservatives, like: Powell, Giuliani, Moffatt and many others.


For verification of (AOC) creating a list to target Conservatives, recall The New American, reported on (11/7/2020), that (AOC) Congressional Rep, said: “Voices on the Left including herself are calling for lists to be kept of Trump supporters so they can be ostracized and otherwise punished.”…


(AOC) creating a list specifically targeting Conservatives and especially those Conservatives supportive to Trump, AOC’s list smells of the days of Herbert Hoover’s target list and McCarthyism.


Other targeting lists consist of parents who speak out at school board meetings  asking for accountability and transparency and Conservative Attorneys who litigate Election cases.   


Conservative Attorneys under target are facing disbarments, with loss of their financial livelihoods, careers wiped out and families shattered!



Why hasn’t Congress conducted a Congressional Investigation into AOC’s induced targeting schemes against certain groups of people defined as Conservative Attorneys with political affiliations of the Republican Party?


Surely Conservatives agree we are born American’s first before any political party affiliation.  Because belonging to ANY specific political party does not define one’s character of being. Example Alexander’s (2021) shocking prediction Article.


“President Trump” when re-elected and installed on January 20, 2025, we might start having some accountability regarding the targeting of Conservatives and Conservative Attorneys.


Biden will “NOT” Pardon Marilyn Mosby


Moffatt Media predicts that President Joe Biden will “NOT” pardon Marilyn Mosby, Former State Attorney (Prosecutor) of Baltimore, before Mosby’s Sentencing hearing on May 23, 2024,  because it’s too far out in time from the 2024 November Presidential General Election, to matter for Biden!


Did you know Congressman Mike Garcia gave Merrick Garland, Attorney General an “F,” Grade for Garland’s supervision of the DOJ on certain real life issues affecting real life people?


(DOJ) released its own Press Release regarding Mosby on Nov 9, 2023.     The Headline reads:  Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Convicted on Two Counts of Perjury  – For Immediate Release U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland

The Press Release stated in part: “A federal jury today convicted Marilyn J. Mosby, age 42, of Baltimore, Maryland, on federal charges of perjury, relating to the withdrawal of funds from the City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan claiming that she suffered adverse financial consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic when she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney.”…


Moffatt Media recommends a Sentencing Judge use the courts discretion by setting aside Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, that could impose Mosby in prison for 40 years.   

Beyond sad Mosby could also lose her livelihood with a revocation (disbarment) of her lawyer’s license.   Yet Mosby did NOT commit ANY violent offense and there does not appear to be a single victim.    

Moffatt Media further recommends that Mosby be treated as a First Time Nonviolent Offender and offer “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” and that the DOJ seeks out actual violent offenders instead of targeting Mosby and other alleged American Citizen First Time Nonviolent Offenders. 

Mosby is scheduled for sentencing on May 23, 2024, Thursday, and Mosby faces 40 years in Federal Prison, because of One-Size-Fits-all, outdated Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines. 

The One-Size-Fits-all … Sentencing Guidelines is discriminatory on its face to all Americans regardless of race and “… until we value the lives, rights, and liberties of those on the receiving end of the system, “our justice system will continue to be anything but.” ~ Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Jurors found Mosby lied to take money out of her retirement account, saying she suffered COVID-related losses for her Mahogany Elite travel business, according to CBSNews.com   This logic does not hold because Mosby did not cause injury against ANY person or business.  

Mosby only committed an act against her own retirement account for an Early Withdrawal.   The financial institution overseeing  Mosby’s retirement account is mandated by law to impose an “Early Withdrawal Tax Penalty;” this action is not worth a criminal penalty seeking a 40 year stint behind bars within one of  USA’s deplorable federal prisons!

Justice Department accused of malicious prosecution

The letter accuses the Department of Justice, under former President Donald Trump, of pursuing a “meritless indictment” against Mosby and suggests that the current administration has ignored political motives behind what they call a “malicious prosecution,” cited by CBSNews.  The facts are  contrary, with an  INDICTMENT AGAINST MOSBY  filed and made public on 1/13/2022 and purported President Biden took his presidential seat on 1/20/2020, so shift blame where truly done in 2022 under Biden-Harris administration.



Businesses of all sizes, including international countries were adversely affected during the COVID 19 Pandemic.   Additionally Mask Mandates were imposed by the majority of state governors  who also instituted Shelter in Place Executive Orders, which impacted nearly all businesses.  

“Mosby requested a one-time withdrawal of $40k from her City of Baltimore Employee Retirement Account.” 

Whether Mosby has been a contributing member of society before the COVID-19 May 2020 Pandemic is really an issue?  If the Judge, Court and Public answer yes to this question, wouldn’t you also agree Mosby is a First Time Nonviolent Offender, who does NOT deserve to suffer a 40 year Federal Prison sentence?

One-Size-Fits-all Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines is “oppressive” and “inhumane,” similar to third world justice, instead of  Lady Justice Balance Scales of Justice. 

Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines are facially discriminatory, and now there is a time for much reform regarding Mandatory Minimum Sentences.

 “… Vital constitutional principle must not be forgotten: Liberty requires accountability.” ~ Justice Samuel Alito.

A 40 year prison sentence against Mosby, would actually be a penalty on the Taxpayers, being forced to pay an average cost Federal Incarceration rate $43,836.00 per year to house Mosby, within a Federal Prison.   Do the math: $43.8k x 40 year sentence against Mosby, would cost Taxpayers $1.7 Million just for housing Mosby within a Federal prison facility.  Keeping in mind the $1.7 Million projected for federal prison housing against Mosby, does not include Health Care coverage, that would be available to Mosby on the inside of a Federal prison, because Mosby would be deemed federal property.

Now how much common sense does it make to impose a 40 year sentence in federal prison against Mosby, on essentially a paper crime, Nonviolent offense without any victims?  Reasonable minded Taxpayer’s are not heartless, but the USA’s criminal justice system and specifically the federal criminal justice system seems to support using prison incarceration genocide, against its own American people, to possibly include persons like Mosby.

The Eighth Amendment requires that the penalty not be egregious, and $1.7 million costs to Taxpayers just to house Mosby, within a Federal prison, is excessive and UnAmerican.

Moffatt Media recommends “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” be the Sentence imposed against Mosby as a “First Time Nonviolent Offender.   

Any criminal Sentence imposed greater than “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” against Mosby, would be defined as cruel and inhumane punishment, that will continue to contribute towards  Massive Incarceration and an Excessive Sentence, at a cost to the Taxpayers, for potentially housing Mosby in a federal prison.

It’s time to reform the USA’s criminal justice system, starting with removing the oppressive-discriminatory “Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines.”   

Because true American people do NOT support waste and abuse of hard earned Taxpayer dollars against ANY alleged Nonviolent Offenders, which would include Mosby. …

Contact: [email protected] CEO & Investigative Reporter


California “Unclean Hands” Concealed spent $134 Mil on Vulnerable Old Voting Machines targets Trump 2023

Smart Voters do you know California has concealed  $ 134 MIL SPENT TO RETIRE OLD VOTING MACHINES?

“County elections officials must now implement a voting system that meets the state’s newest testing and certification standards in time for the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election,” per Secretary of State Alex Padilla, February 27, 2019.  …

“Throughout California, many counties are using voting systems that are at or near their life
expectancy,” Secretary of State Alex Padilla said. “Some counties use machines that are so old that vendors no longer make replacement parts. Some counties utilize operating systems that are so old that they are no longer supported and security upgrades are not available.
While county officials have worked diligently to keep equipment up and running, our democracy faces increasingly sophisticated threats from nefarious actors, both foreign and domestic. The time is now for all California counties to modernize voting equipment.”  … Bold added for emphasis.

“The state budget for the current year includes $134.3 million for counties to upgrade or replace aging voting systems.”“In a February 12, 2019 hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, DHS Director Christopher Krebs testified that “It will take significant and continual investment to ensure that election systems across the nation are upgraded and secure, with vulnerable systems retired. These efforts require a whole of government approach.” Bold added for emphasis.

Smart Voters, do you think rather than California casting a stone at 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump, maybe the solution for California is to do away with its vulnerable Voting Machines and in 2024 use “Paper Ballots:” Yes or No?

California, let’s make the 2024 election different, use “Paper Ballots” to restore honesty and integrity instead of contributing towards the erosion of voting democracy.   Cyber-hackers pose no threat without having program codes to flip “Paper Ballots.”  

California STOP casting stones at TRUMP, because your hands are NOT  clean and to remove TRUMP’s name off the ballot may cause a “Rise of Smart Voters,” to peacefully protest with just simply writing-in Trump’s name on the 2024 Ballot. 

California do you know the State of Colorado received in 2020 $7,133,864.00?   That’s right the Federal government (EAC) issued $7.3 Mil to Colorado also for Cybersecurity enhancements of its (outdated) Irregular  Voting Machines. 

Fast forward 2023, Colorado moves to remove Former President Donald J. Trump off the 2024 Ballot. Colorado your hands aren’t clean either STOP casting stones! 

Novice users click on areas highlighted in blue to view  supportive documents and video.









Court Law Clerk says happy Trump Indicted

Why am I so happy and content that Trump has been indicted in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida? 

I think it goes a long way to proving how false and prejudicial the “justice system” really is.

I am happy because I think Donald J. Trump is in good company (namely me) and so am I (in good company, namely Trump).   Remember the saying “when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns?”

Well, how about extending that a little bit more broadly: “when being a good, normal, freeman is outlawed, only outlaws will be good and normal freeman.”   I feel vindicated in my life.  On December 7, 1999, I was indicted and felt it ruined my life.  I never did a split second of jail time for that indictment, but it did ruin my career.  But it was all political HOT AIR.

I am now no less competent to run for President than the best President of recent memory, possibly the freest and most normal, uncompromised President since JFK (and, of course, JFK was SOOO inconvenient that they shot him—to replace him by one of the worst and most detested Presidents ever, namely LBJ).  No, I’m not a saint, neither is Donald John Trump, neither was JFK.  All three of us are/were oversexed womanizers with deep-seated disrespect for social norms and “the powers that be.”

And now, on June 9, 2023, Trump finds himself indicted in the Court where I was a judicial law clerk thirty years ago when his bankruptcy was the first case that came across my desk.  The American Criminal Justice System is really and truly criminal.  But in all other ways it betrays its name: it is UNAmerican, INjust, and “systematic” only in its betrayal of the constitution and all concepts of equity and fairness.

Donald John Trump: welcome to the real American Heart of Darkness.  

Since you would not give up your quest to make America Great Again, even though you and I may not agree about exactly what it takes to Make America Great Again, they have set out to destroy you, just as they did me back in 1999.

You were a rising star then in 1999—I was cut off before I turned 40.

But this is the real purpose of the American Criminal Justice System: to shut down our people and to destroy America once and for all!

God Bless and Save you, Donald John Trump!  You and all other righteous men and women who find themselves in the cross-hairs of the American Criminal Justice System.

Charles Edward Lincoln, III, Visiting Columnist with “Moffatt Media”


Disbar Alvin Bragg New York District Attorney Prosecutor for Targeting Former President

Alvin Bragg Jr., District Attorney (Prosecutor), on the job one-year, targets Former President Donald Trump, is so un-American.  Should Bragg  be DISBARRED? 

One has to ask, why would anyone allow Rookie Bragg to pursue former President Trump?  Because he (Bragg) is indispensable and other smart tenured staff in the Manhattan DA’s Office do not wish to jeopardize their own Retirement Plans and livelihoods. 

But did you know that between 2018 & 2020 the Federal government under the Trump administration fed the State of New York with $41.4 Million?  

 And did you know that the Federal government then fed the State of New York with another $3.2 Million in the year 2022?   

The Federal government fed the State of New York, multiple millions of dollars ($45 Mil) in years 2018-2022 for Voting Cyber Security enhancements and “Remediation.”  Does the State of New York not realize the saying:  “Never bite the hand that feeds you.” 


Is the State of New York suffering from memory lapse, that from 2018 through 2020 Former President Trump and his Administration, has fed New York with multiple millions of dollars for Voting Cyber Security enhancements (improvements)?  

Public Interest Parting Question: Should the Federal government request a refund of the ($45 Mil), Sanction and investigate Voting Irregularities, in the 2021 Manhattan District Attorney General Election?  

Bragg won his DA (Prosecutor) seat on November 2 2021 at: 83.2% and took office January 1, 2022.  During the General Election, one opponent only garnered 16.7%.   Something seems suspicious with this District Attorney Election on its surface. 

Maybe The Project 65 should look at filing a lawyer licensing complaint against Bragg, to have him DISBARRED, for maybe exceeding his scope of employment, job duties and job functions by targeting Former President Trump, on a subject matter of 2016, past the statute of limitations. 

Shameful justice State of New York, in condoning  Alvin Bragg’s illegal targeting Former President Trump.   The same man, former President Trump and his administration, who has helped feed your state.   

“Moffatt Media,” waits for the unsealed purported Indictment against former President Trump! 


Unauthorized Practice of Law by Public Corporation State Bar of California against John Eastman Attorney

Did you know the State Bar of California is a non-governmental organization (NGO) “Public Corporation?”

Pursuant to the California Constitution Article 6 Section 9, which  reads in pertinent part: “[t]he State Bar of California is a Public Corporation,” enacted (57 years ago), 1966.  (Sec. 9 added Nov. 8, 1966, by Prop. 1-a. Res.Ch. 139, 1966 1st Ex. Sess.).

California Bar Seeks to Revoke Trump Adviser John Eastman’s Law License by Jan Wolfe – Licensing body says former law professor’s efforts to overturn 2020 election make him unfit to practice law says The Wall Street Journal

Yes, The Wall Street Journal sometimes gets it wrong, such as stating the California Bar is a “Licensing body.” But nowhere in the California Constitution does it mention that the California Bar is an attorney licensing agency.

California Attorney Licenses are only issued by the State Supreme Court of California.

True California Attorneys are mandated to become Members of the private union Public Corporation State Bar of California and required to pay annual “Membership Dues:” $515.00 (2022-2023).

Did you know the State Bar of California has NOT been delegated STATE POLICE PROSECUTORIAL POWERS?  Only the County District Attorney’s Office usually conducts investigations to criminally charge people.  Not a “Public Corporation.” 

Therefore the State Bar of California is committing an act of Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL), against Eastman.  “This Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.”

“The State Bar of California’s Chief Trial Counsel George Cardona announced … the filing of a Notice of Disciplinary Charges (NDC) against attorney John Eastman (State Bar No. 193726). The 11 charges arise from allegations that Eastman engaged in a course of conduct to plan, promote, and assist then-President Trump in executing a strategy, unsupported by facts or law, to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election by obstructing the count of electoral votes of certain states.   The Office of Chief Trial Counsel (OCTC) intends to seek Eastman’s disbarment before the State Bar Court.”  Why two years later?

When in fact, the “State Bar of California has taken no action against Ganong.” … “In fact, he bragged about his good standing with the bar as a defense to the media.”…

$22 Million Health Care Fraud: The Superior Court of California County of Orange District Attorney’s Office Indicted Philip Ganong on 94 Felony Count Criminal Complaint, Case #17CF1243.  Ganong, Bar #88414, alleged $22 Million Health Care Fraud against multiple insurance companies.


WHETHER  the State Bar of California,  has committed  Prosecutorial Misconduct, against Eastman?

Consequently, California Bar you’re now exposed and no longer permitted to conceal from the public your legendary myth inferring to be a licensing body when in fact only a mere “Public Corporation.”

Given that, the State Supreme Court of California nor the State of California can delegate prosecutorial or judicial powers to ANY “Public Corporation,” because “judicial power of this State is vested in the Supreme Court, courts of appeal, and superior courts, all of which are courts of record.”

State Bar you’re not even a Court of Record, but claiming another legendary myth to be a Court, State Bar Court.  Furthermore, “[t]his Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.   See  Department of Transportation v Association of American Railroads 575 U.S 43 2015 Amtrak

Thus, an abhorrent appearance of “Conflict of Interest” exists between the State Supreme Court of California and the State Bar of California.   The “Conflict of Interest” is problematic because it violates Constitutional Separation of Powers. 

A conflict of interest scheme causes the Supreme Court to run afoul of the Separation of Powers, with (NGO), Public Corporation State Bar of California against Eastman.

Reminder, the State Supreme Court of California, was the only licensing agency that issued  Eastman his license to practice law on 12/15/1997.


Jeff Fortenberry’s Criminal Conviction scheduled to be overturned by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals California


(“Prosecutor News”)

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Indictment was filed on October 19, 2021, against Fortenberry, Former Nebraska Congressman.  The Indictment filed by Tracy Wilkison, United States Acting Attorney General (“Prosecutor”), was invalid.  Because Wilkison’s  TERM EXPIRED, under the Vacancy Reform Act of 1998.

There also existed an impossibility in Wilkison filling the shoes within the United States Attorney General’s position because she had NOT received a Presidential Nomination from President Biden,  pursuant to 5 U.S. Code §3345.   Wilkison was also not Senate confirmed.

Wilkison did NOT even receive ANY Nomination by Donald Trump, Former President to fulfill the United States Attorney General shoes for Central District.

Recent 10 28 2022 9TH CIR CT APPEAL FILED BY FORTENBERRY  within the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, is likely to be granted for improper Venue and problems with Jury Instructions.    

Along with granting Fortenberry’s appeal following an “unprecedented prosecution in which the Department of Justice hauled a sitting member of Congress across the country to stand trial in a foreign jurisdiction on charges of making false statements more than a thousand miles away.”

The appeal cites two key reasons for the conviction to be overturned: improper venue for the case, with the allegedly false statements being made in Nebraska and Washington, D.C.,  Charges filed in California and inadequate jury instructions that failed to appropriately define a key element of the charge; and the materiality of Fortenberry’s statements.

The case against  Fortenberry never should have been brought in the first place.   Criminal charges should have not resulted in California or a conviction, said Glen Summers.   Summers, a leading member of Fortenberry’s legal team and partner with Bartlit Beck LLP.  “This appeal calls on the Ninth Circuit to vacate these convictions to protect Fortenberry and other Americans from having their Constitutional rights trampled.”

FBI agents knew Jeff Fortenberry had no knowledge of illegal contributions to his campaign from a 2016 fundraiser. So, they directed an informant to call him years later and make a few comments in a roughly 10-minute phone call suggesting that people might have made improper contributions at the event.

Nine months later, the very same FBI agent who orchestrated the setup call went to the Congressman’s home in Nebraska and used a “ruse” that he was conducting a background check with a national security aspect to convince the Congressman to speak with him.

Even though the Congressman told the FBI agent about the comments from the informant, both at the first conversation and again in a subsequent interview in Washington, D.C., prosecutors indicted the Congressman for allegedly making false statements to them when he failed to recall some details of the nearly year-old conversation and explained that he was not “aware” of any illegal contributions to his campaign.

Prosecutors with the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Congressman Fortenberry in Los Angeles. 

(DOJ) Prosecutors required Fortenerry to stand trial in Los Angeles, California Central District United States Federal Court.  Even though the alleged false statements were made at interviews conducted in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Washington, D.C.  Fortenberry asserts on appeal that subjecting him to prosecution in Los Angeles was contrary to law.  Subjecting Fortenberry within the wrong Venue (Jurisdiction) and requires that the conviction be set aside.

In Fortenberry’s appeal brief, the conviction should also be set aside.  Because the trial judge gave the jury instructions that inadequately defined critical elements of materiality.  Lacking elements then allowed the jury to convict Fortenberry.   Even though the alleged false statements could not possibly have had any impact or injury on the government.

For a statement to be material, eligible for a false statements charge,  such law requires it to influence governmental decision.

Fortenberry’s statements were not material to the government’s investigation.  Since prosecutors already knew from their own investigation, that Fortenberry had no knowledge of the illegal contributions to his campaign.

Jury Instructions Why Important “Voice Removed” Lawyer Connie Reguli, Listen
