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Prosecutorial Misconduct – Rally for Justice June 27, 2023

FreeTonyViola.com announced that, on the eve of Ohio Supreme Court disbarment proceedings against former federal Prosecutor Mark Bennett, a Rally for Justice will be held outside the Ohio Supreme Court on Tuesday, June 27, 5-7 PM, 65 S Front St, Columbus, OH 43215. 

In 2020, Mark Bennett was fired by the Justice Department for serious misconduct and criminal activities and is currently undergoing disbarment proceedings, Disciplinary Counsel v, Bennett, case number 2022-034; Department of Justice Inspector General Report Number 21-005, Ohio Supreme Court Case Number 2023-0471.  A hearing about Bennett’s pending disbarment will be held the morning of June 28 and will be live streamed by the Ohio Supreme Court’s Ohio Channel. …

In addition to the Inspector General Investigation, The FBI and Justice Department also blamed Mark Bennett for making material misrepresentations about evidence in the criminal case of Anthony Viola, Viola v. U.S. Department of Justice, et. al., 15-cv-242, WD Pa, document numbers 99 and 164.  Viola was exonerated at a subsequent criminal trial but spent a decade in prison.  Yale University Law School represents Anthony Viola in a case where Bennett concealed an affair between Assistant Ohio Attorney General Dan Kasaris and government witness Kathryn Clover, used Clover’s perjured testimony in criminal cases, and shifted exculpatory evidence before Viola’s first trial from the US Attorney’s Office to a multi-jurisdictional task force location, Viola v. Department of Justice, et. al., case number 22-2186, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. …

Tony Viola says what he hopes that others will learn from his website FreeTonyViola.com, is to shine a bright spotlight on the win at all costs’ tactics, prosecutorial overreach and misconduct the United States Department of Justice employs when prosecuting American citizens.
