• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Biden will “NOT” Pardon Marilyn Mosby


Moffatt Media predicts that President Joe Biden will “NOT” pardon Marilyn Mosby, Former State Attorney (Prosecutor) of Baltimore, before Mosby’s Sentencing hearing on May 23, 2024,  because it’s too far out in time from the 2024 November Presidential General Election, to matter for Biden!


Did you know Congressman Mike Garcia gave Merrick Garland, Attorney General an “F,” Grade for Garland’s supervision of the DOJ on certain real life issues affecting real life people?


(DOJ) released its own Press Release regarding Mosby on Nov 9, 2023.     The Headline reads:  Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Convicted on Two Counts of Perjury  – For Immediate Release U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland

The Press Release stated in part: “A federal jury today convicted Marilyn J. Mosby, age 42, of Baltimore, Maryland, on federal charges of perjury, relating to the withdrawal of funds from the City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan claiming that she suffered adverse financial consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic when she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney.”…


Moffatt Media recommends a Sentencing Judge use the courts discretion by setting aside Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, that could impose Mosby in prison for 40 years.   

Beyond sad Mosby could also lose her livelihood with a revocation (disbarment) of her lawyer’s license.   Yet Mosby did NOT commit ANY violent offense and there does not appear to be a single victim.    

Moffatt Media further recommends that Mosby be treated as a First Time Nonviolent Offender and offer “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” and that the DOJ seeks out actual violent offenders instead of targeting Mosby and other alleged American Citizen First Time Nonviolent Offenders. 

Mosby is scheduled for sentencing on May 23, 2024, Thursday, and Mosby faces 40 years in Federal Prison, because of One-Size-Fits-all, outdated Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines. 

The One-Size-Fits-all … Sentencing Guidelines is discriminatory on its face to all Americans regardless of race and “… until we value the lives, rights, and liberties of those on the receiving end of the system, “our justice system will continue to be anything but.” ~ Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Jurors found Mosby lied to take money out of her retirement account, saying she suffered COVID-related losses for her Mahogany Elite travel business, according to CBSNews.com   This logic does not hold because Mosby did not cause injury against ANY person or business.  

Mosby only committed an act against her own retirement account for an Early Withdrawal.   The financial institution overseeing  Mosby’s retirement account is mandated by law to impose an “Early Withdrawal Tax Penalty;” this action is not worth a criminal penalty seeking a 40 year stint behind bars within one of  USA’s deplorable federal prisons!

Justice Department accused of malicious prosecution

The letter accuses the Department of Justice, under former President Donald Trump, of pursuing a “meritless indictment” against Mosby and suggests that the current administration has ignored political motives behind what they call a “malicious prosecution,” cited by CBSNews.  The facts are  contrary, with an  INDICTMENT AGAINST MOSBY  filed and made public on 1/13/2022 and purported President Biden took his presidential seat on 1/20/2020, so shift blame where truly done in 2022 under Biden-Harris administration.



Businesses of all sizes, including international countries were adversely affected during the COVID 19 Pandemic.   Additionally Mask Mandates were imposed by the majority of state governors  who also instituted Shelter in Place Executive Orders, which impacted nearly all businesses.  

“Mosby requested a one-time withdrawal of $40k from her City of Baltimore Employee Retirement Account.” 

Whether Mosby has been a contributing member of society before the COVID-19 May 2020 Pandemic is really an issue?  If the Judge, Court and Public answer yes to this question, wouldn’t you also agree Mosby is a First Time Nonviolent Offender, who does NOT deserve to suffer a 40 year Federal Prison sentence?

One-Size-Fits-all Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines is “oppressive” and “inhumane,” similar to third world justice, instead of  Lady Justice Balance Scales of Justice. 

Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines are facially discriminatory, and now there is a time for much reform regarding Mandatory Minimum Sentences.

 “… Vital constitutional principle must not be forgotten: Liberty requires accountability.” ~ Justice Samuel Alito.

A 40 year prison sentence against Mosby, would actually be a penalty on the Taxpayers, being forced to pay an average cost Federal Incarceration rate $43,836.00 per year to house Mosby, within a Federal Prison.   Do the math: $43.8k x 40 year sentence against Mosby, would cost Taxpayers $1.7 Million just for housing Mosby within a Federal prison facility.  Keeping in mind the $1.7 Million projected for federal prison housing against Mosby, does not include Health Care coverage, that would be available to Mosby on the inside of a Federal prison, because Mosby would be deemed federal property.

Now how much common sense does it make to impose a 40 year sentence in federal prison against Mosby, on essentially a paper crime, Nonviolent offense without any victims?  Reasonable minded Taxpayer’s are not heartless, but the USA’s criminal justice system and specifically the federal criminal justice system seems to support using prison incarceration genocide, against its own American people, to possibly include persons like Mosby.

The Eighth Amendment requires that the penalty not be egregious, and $1.7 million costs to Taxpayers just to house Mosby, within a Federal prison, is excessive and UnAmerican.

Moffatt Media recommends “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” be the Sentence imposed against Mosby as a “First Time Nonviolent Offender.   

Any criminal Sentence imposed greater than “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” against Mosby, would be defined as cruel and inhumane punishment, that will continue to contribute towards  Massive Incarceration and an Excessive Sentence, at a cost to the Taxpayers, for potentially housing Mosby in a federal prison.

It’s time to reform the USA’s criminal justice system, starting with removing the oppressive-discriminatory “Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines.”   

Because true American people do NOT support waste and abuse of hard earned Taxpayer dollars against ANY alleged Nonviolent Offenders, which would include Mosby. …

Contact: [email protected] CEO & Investigative Reporter


Fortenberry Sentenced Community Service in Lieu of 15 year Prison Sentence

Photo Credit: YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/VHcIBNazStw

Sentencing News – Politics Congress

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Moffatt Media First PR Media Company to Recommend Jeff Fortenberry receive “Community Service in Lieu of Prison”

Stanley Blumenfeld, Judge with the United States District Court – Central District,  was courageous in doing the right thing by Sentencing Fortenberry “320 hours of Community Service,” …  which is far better served to Fortenberry, Taxpayers and Society.  Additionally Fortenberry will be on Probation for two years and fined $25k.  Thus Fortenberry plans to Appeal his Sentencing imposed today.

Judge Blumenfeld and our legal community have to be aware that within the Indictment against Fortenberry, he was charged with False Statements under an outdated statute 18 U.S. Code §1001.  The same outdated statute that would have imposed  lopsided justice of “Mandatory Maximum Sentencing:” 15 years in prison (5 years x 3 felony counts) =15 years, that Fortenberry has now avoided thanks to Honorable Judge Blumenfeld.

Former Congressman Jeff Fortenberry did give this statement:  “All I’ve ever wanted to do is serve my country and try to help people. I am grateful for over 20 years of public service, and I’m proud of my record of accomplishments for Nebraska and for America.

I am thankful Judge Blumenfeld took the time to learn about who I am and what I have done in my life. And I am grateful he recognized that ‘by all accounts’ I am a man of ‘exceptional character.’ I was humbled today when the Judge noted that the testimony, including from government witnesses, established my honesty and integrity.

Having said that, this is a case that never should have been brought; and certainly not in California. As the Judge explained today, I knew nothing about the conspiracy to illegally funnel money to my campaign. I was kept in the dark about it, just like other candidates who received similar illegal campaign contributions. I trusted the FBI agents and prosecutors from the Department of Justice. They took advantage of that trust.

I will be appealing this verdict. We are continuing the fight for fairness that we’ve waged throughout this process. The issues at stake are much bigger than me. This case shows how the federal false statements statute can be weaponized by FBI and DOJ officials in a way Congress could not have contemplated when it was enacted and that it can be used to destroy the lives of even the most honorable people. On appeal, I will seek to change the way this dangerous statute is applied so it is less subject to abuse by the FBI and DOJ in the future.

This entire matter has been deeply traumatic for me and my family, but we’re still here, still standing. I’m grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support from friends all over the world. I’m especially grateful for the love and support of my family.”

Now as a Congressman who understands the absolute abuse of power brought by a select few corrupt individuals within the Justice Dept … my heart goes out to Congressman Fortenberry and his family for the injustice they have suffered,” said Rep. Rick Renzi

Congress, it is time to bring more attention to lopsided justice, federal “Mandatory Maximum Sentencing,” laws, especially outdated statutes such as 18 U.S. Code §1001.

  • Parting Public Interest Concern Question: Why did the Indictment fail to indicate if Grand Jurors and Prosecutors had criminally charged Fortenberry under 18 U.S. Code §1001, the old law of 1948 or new law of 1996?
