• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Biden will “NOT” Pardon Marilyn Mosby


Moffatt Media predicts that President Joe Biden will “NOT” pardon Marilyn Mosby, Former State Attorney (Prosecutor) of Baltimore, before Mosby’s Sentencing hearing on May 23, 2024,  because it’s too far out in time from the 2024 November Presidential General Election, to matter for Biden!


Did you know Congressman Mike Garcia gave Merrick Garland, Attorney General an “F,” Grade for Garland’s supervision of the DOJ on certain real life issues affecting real life people?


(DOJ) released its own Press Release regarding Mosby on Nov 9, 2023.     The Headline reads:  Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby Convicted on Two Counts of Perjury  – For Immediate Release U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Maryland

The Press Release stated in part: “A federal jury today convicted Marilyn J. Mosby, age 42, of Baltimore, Maryland, on federal charges of perjury, relating to the withdrawal of funds from the City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan claiming that she suffered adverse financial consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic when she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney.”…


Moffatt Media recommends a Sentencing Judge use the courts discretion by setting aside Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing, that could impose Mosby in prison for 40 years.   

Beyond sad Mosby could also lose her livelihood with a revocation (disbarment) of her lawyer’s license.   Yet Mosby did NOT commit ANY violent offense and there does not appear to be a single victim.    

Moffatt Media further recommends that Mosby be treated as a First Time Nonviolent Offender and offer “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” and that the DOJ seeks out actual violent offenders instead of targeting Mosby and other alleged American Citizen First Time Nonviolent Offenders. 

Mosby is scheduled for sentencing on May 23, 2024, Thursday, and Mosby faces 40 years in Federal Prison, because of One-Size-Fits-all, outdated Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines. 

The One-Size-Fits-all … Sentencing Guidelines is discriminatory on its face to all Americans regardless of race and “… until we value the lives, rights, and liberties of those on the receiving end of the system, “our justice system will continue to be anything but.” ~ Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Jurors found Mosby lied to take money out of her retirement account, saying she suffered COVID-related losses for her Mahogany Elite travel business, according to CBSNews.com   This logic does not hold because Mosby did not cause injury against ANY person or business.  

Mosby only committed an act against her own retirement account for an Early Withdrawal.   The financial institution overseeing  Mosby’s retirement account is mandated by law to impose an “Early Withdrawal Tax Penalty;” this action is not worth a criminal penalty seeking a 40 year stint behind bars within one of  USA’s deplorable federal prisons!

Justice Department accused of malicious prosecution

The letter accuses the Department of Justice, under former President Donald Trump, of pursuing a “meritless indictment” against Mosby and suggests that the current administration has ignored political motives behind what they call a “malicious prosecution,” cited by CBSNews.  The facts are  contrary, with an  INDICTMENT AGAINST MOSBY  filed and made public on 1/13/2022 and purported President Biden took his presidential seat on 1/20/2020, so shift blame where truly done in 2022 under Biden-Harris administration.



Businesses of all sizes, including international countries were adversely affected during the COVID 19 Pandemic.   Additionally Mask Mandates were imposed by the majority of state governors  who also instituted Shelter in Place Executive Orders, which impacted nearly all businesses.  

“Mosby requested a one-time withdrawal of $40k from her City of Baltimore Employee Retirement Account.” 

Whether Mosby has been a contributing member of society before the COVID-19 May 2020 Pandemic is really an issue?  If the Judge, Court and Public answer yes to this question, wouldn’t you also agree Mosby is a First Time Nonviolent Offender, who does NOT deserve to suffer a 40 year Federal Prison sentence?

One-Size-Fits-all Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines is “oppressive” and “inhumane,” similar to third world justice, instead of  Lady Justice Balance Scales of Justice. 

Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines are facially discriminatory, and now there is a time for much reform regarding Mandatory Minimum Sentences.

 “… Vital constitutional principle must not be forgotten: Liberty requires accountability.” ~ Justice Samuel Alito.

A 40 year prison sentence against Mosby, would actually be a penalty on the Taxpayers, being forced to pay an average cost Federal Incarceration rate $43,836.00 per year to house Mosby, within a Federal Prison.   Do the math: $43.8k x 40 year sentence against Mosby, would cost Taxpayers $1.7 Million just for housing Mosby within a Federal prison facility.  Keeping in mind the $1.7 Million projected for federal prison housing against Mosby, does not include Health Care coverage, that would be available to Mosby on the inside of a Federal prison, because Mosby would be deemed federal property.

Now how much common sense does it make to impose a 40 year sentence in federal prison against Mosby, on essentially a paper crime, Nonviolent offense without any victims?  Reasonable minded Taxpayer’s are not heartless, but the USA’s criminal justice system and specifically the federal criminal justice system seems to support using prison incarceration genocide, against its own American people, to possibly include persons like Mosby.

The Eighth Amendment requires that the penalty not be egregious, and $1.7 million costs to Taxpayers just to house Mosby, within a Federal prison, is excessive and UnAmerican.

Moffatt Media recommends “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” be the Sentence imposed against Mosby as a “First Time Nonviolent Offender.   

Any criminal Sentence imposed greater than “Community Service in Lieu of Prison,” against Mosby, would be defined as cruel and inhumane punishment, that will continue to contribute towards  Massive Incarceration and an Excessive Sentence, at a cost to the Taxpayers, for potentially housing Mosby in a federal prison.

It’s time to reform the USA’s criminal justice system, starting with removing the oppressive-discriminatory “Federal Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Guidelines.”   

Because true American people do NOT support waste and abuse of hard earned Taxpayer dollars against ANY alleged Nonviolent Offenders, which would include Mosby. …

Contact: [email protected] CEO & Investigative Reporter


Caught on video Verbal abuse by Federal Public Defender

By: Star Moffatt, CEO of Moffatt Media (Investigative Journalist & Eye Witness)

Caught on video “Verbal & Mental” abuse induced by Claire Rogerson, “Federal Public Defender,” against alleged criminal Defendant Jeffrey Dean Moffatt, Ret. Federal Attorney and Former (2016) Congressional Candidate.  


Click on the arrow below to hear audio 12/12/2023, 3:18pm converted from video, which is now being republished on my PR Media Company Moffatt Media’s own platform, because YouTube ‘censored’ (removed) the Video and content on 4/6/2024:

(Episode 1)

QUESTION PRESENTED:  A four month rookie assigned to defend high profile case of a 20 year Federal Attorney.  The question of the year, why would the Federal Public Defender’s Office assign an unskilled attorney to represent a seasoned 20 year Federal attorney?

Newbie (Rookie) Rogerson only licensed to practice California law from  7/13/2023 and was assigned to Moffatt’s case 11/2023.  Yet the  United States Supreme Court has made it very clear that any alleged criminal defendant must create a record at trial court level “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel,” in order for the Supreme Court to consider accepting a case for review. 

See Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, Docket #20-1009, which mandates that deficiencies of counsel must make the record at trial court level.   5/23/2022 Justice Sotomayor, gave a Dissenting Opinion in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, said in part: “…the Court leaps to the conclusion that a petitioner is at fault for not developing the evidentiary record on a trial-ineffectiveness claim even if that lack of development.” … to essentially mean that a Defendant must know the law better than the attorney. 

Learning of Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, my eyes have witnessed since 9/3/2021 to present April 2024, Newbie (Rookie) Rogerson, Public Defender #2 and prior Ramanujan Deskin Nadadur aka Anuj Nadadur, Public Defender #1, rolled over on Moffatt, ie … my beloved husband Jeff of 33 years.   Neither Rogerson or Nadadur, would NOT do one procedural substantial thing Jeff would ask. 

Essentially (Rogerson & Nadadur) have been setting my husband up to be railroaded on alleged non-violent offense without any victims and subjecting my husband with facing 105 years in Federal prison on statutes themselves, which raise constitutional challenges.   What qualifies me to say such:  I am also a Certified Paralegal since 1999, co-owner of a law firm, past lead Plaintiff in two major government cases, I have completed my First Year in Law and I have two College Degrees.

Back to what my eyes witnessed: misconduct by Rogerson and Nadadur,  they would NOT even submit one shred of Jeff’s own evidence, that included two Forensic Expert Reports onto the government’s supposed counsel.  

Since 9/2021 through 4/2024, (Rogerson & Nadadur) would NOT even submit ANY Pretrial Motions into the Court, with a simple Motion to Dismiss, because the court lacks jurisdiction on the alleged Grand Jury Indictment, that was filed  5 years and 3 months past the Statute of Limitations on 7/23/2021.   So yes, I have no problem admitting to doing the audio-video recording on Rogerson, because (Rogerson & Nadadur), were obviously rolling over and doing stand-downs  against my husband Jeff.

Additionally, I admit to doing the recordings without Rogerson’ consent because of fear in  protecting my husband’s safety from being illegally arrested (kidnapped) again, and potentially wrongfully convicted.  

They (Rogerson & Nadadur)  pushed my back up against the wall, to help protect my beloved husband Jeff’s American constitutional rights and gather evidence in creating a public record for trial court level as mandated in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, U.S. Supreme Court Docket#20-1009.  Briefly, in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez, two Arizona convicted prisoners on Death Row: David Martinez Ramirez and Barry Lee Jones, were seeking post conviction remedies, to prove: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, but Ramirez and Jones were still executed in Arizona.       

When the “Shoes of Injustices,” are being faced similarly in Shinn v. Martinez Ramirez and my husband is facing 105 years in federal prison, which is essentially a Death Sentence, on a bogus Indictment and illegal arrest,  wouldn’t you do the same thing to protect your own family members freedoms, even if meant to video or record a conversation, regardless if one is a Federal Public Defender?

(Rogerson & Nadadur’s)  actions against my husband Jeff, have been intentional unethical conduct by failing NOT to uphold his guaranteed Sixth Amendment and Equal Constitutional Protections, that have been placing my husband at risk of being wrongfully convicted of 105 years in federal prison on alleged non-violent offenses.    Enough is enough with intentionally depriving my husband of his constitutional protections for  nearly 3 years. 

Again one reason for recording Rogerson was to assist my husband (Jeff) in gathering evidence at the trial court record of  Ineffective Assistance of Counsel, based on  Shinn v. Ramirez, among other issues.

Normally I do not make it a practice to share our own Life Bumps, on Moffatt Media’s social media platform, but it is time and much overdue in time!

Since my eyes have witnessed three incidents of Verbal & Mental abuse by Rogerson, Federal Public Defender against my husband Jeffrey Moffatt, Fed Retired Federal Attorney, an alleged criminal defendant.  It wasn’t until the third call that I recorded Rogerson. I had enough listening to how Rogerson, Rookie (Newbie) was verbally abusing my husband over the telephone.

My beloved husband of 33 years, an alleged criminal defendant in Federal Court is facing 105 years in federal prison on a bogus Grand Jury Indictment that alleges  5 Counts of Wire fraud at $30k and 1 Count of False Statement.  The bogus Indictment was filed against my husband 7/23/2021, he (Jeff) was illegally arrested 9/3/2021, never received any Summons or simple telephone call to advise him, that he had been Indicted on 7/23/2021.  

Get this, government Prosecutors had to conceal material facts from the Grand Jury, because if the (Jurors) had been shown evidence that $30k was on actually attorney fees earned and approved by five Judges, there is no way in the world ANY Juror, would have returned a Federal Felony Indictment, against my husband.  The government (Prosecutors)  also had to conceal from the (Jurors), an open Federal Appeal that has existed in another court prior to the Indictment, on the same issues since  6/19/2020 and that several recent U.S. Supreme Court cases vindicate my Husband.


Rogerson, I am calling on you to Resign or be Fired from the Public Defender’s Office for failing to uphold Federal Sixth Amendment Constitutional protections and among other constitutional protections for the benefit of my husband (Jeff).  Why: You’re a disgrace to the Federal Public Defender’s Office!

It is beyond belief that you (Rogerson) couldn’t even do four simple things from the time assigned on Jeff’s case back in November 2023 through 4/4/2024, until you resigned from Jeff’s case 4/5/2024. 

Four simple request by alleged Defendant Jeff Moffatt were as follows:

1).  Provided a Certified copy of Grand Jury Transcripts; 

2).  File a Pretrial Motion (Motion to Stay), since open Appeal in another Federal Court since 6/19/2020;

3).  Submit a Motion for Bail Modification, because one Bail condition  conflicts with the Bail Reform Act;

4).  Provide “Certified Copies” of Arrest Warrants: Doc 3 issued 7/23/2021 and Doc 17 issued 9/3/2021; 

Above  four requests Jeff has been asking for since  2021, from  Public Defender#1 Nadadur who also resigned from the alleged Indictment case against Jeff.  

Court of Pubic Opinion Comments:

Beyond grateful that many True Americans took the time out of their busy day and reviewed the Video-Audio of Verbal  & Mental Abuse induced by Rogerson against my (hubby) and here are a few of many Public Opinion comments:

  • “She is a real piece of work! Nice she admits that she doesn’t have time to work on his case, (not important to her!) until January, yet wont file for continuance past May! This is really a horror show at Jeff’s expense sorry to say.” – Lori
  • “I would be dumping that public pretender.   Jeff should be mentoring these newbie public pretenders and getting paid for it!” – Aron
  • “Wow I can hear the frustration and Jeff’s voice, but he handled himself very well and I understand what hes trying to say by saying that they should use her inexperience to his advantage but she seems to be too prideful to want to do that.   What a nightmare.  She should be taking advantage of his experience not working against it.” – Kathy
  • This sounds like it has something to do with race & wealth!  Black folks have been stripped of their Generational wealth ever since I could remember.  Just think back when we as a people thrived during the times of Black Wall Street Once the courts and guardians spend or force you to spend up your wealth defending yourself you are left with nothing, which is all to be designed. 
The system may see Jeff guilty by association to whom he is married to Star Moffatt, a Black Woman.  It’s not hard to believe racists practices still goes on in today’s society. Too bad those same corrupt officials can’t be arrested and put on trial for their seemingly racist antics and old school mentality.  Times have changed but not much.  Black folks continue to have to work twice as hard giving 100% of themselves while they can get by and shine with 10% 🤷🏽‍♀️. I’m going to continue to follow this saga and hopefully the system  recognizes that it is truly broken and being indifferent to Jeffrey Moffatt, his wife Star and their entire family. – Annie Mae
  • “They need to throw that bogus nonsense out!” –  Maria


True American friends and family, the above is how you document “Ineffective Assistance of Counsel,” along with hiring a PR Media Company like Moffatt Media, to assist in gathering and preserving evidence for you or your loved ones, to protect one’s safety & freedoms!

Now to you  Rogerson, congratulations you are now a textbook case of what a Rookie (Newbie) should NOT do straight out of law school.

Remember, as of 4/5/2024 Rogerson is asking the court to come off the case and the entire Federal Defenders office, as a direct result of the videos due to the outpouring support by True American’s  not afraid to speak up and out on: X formerly Twitter and YouTube.

Our gratitude extends also to the other True Americans that have shown support by sending emails, text and your many phone calls.  

The same appreciation if you have read thus far, in hearing our own temporary “Life Bump Story,” knowing that GOD is almighty and GOD will intercede on his timing, to expose the truth behind why my husband is wearing “Shoes of Injustice.” 

Finally note, and now imagine if the above can happen to a 20 year Federal Attorney and too mean my husband, can you imagine what happens to alleged defendants that are not legally trained and do not know their rights?




“Members of Congress” who Invested in Facebook, why?

View Pelosi and other Members of Congress who Invested in Facebook according to Dirty – “Open Secrets:”

Members of congress invester in facebook inc Meta
CLICK ON IMAGE or visit opensecrets.org/orgs/facebook-inc/members-invested?id=D000033563

Price gouging gas where is DOJ

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Friday’s Public Concern:   Did you know the U.S. DOJ prosecuted and sentenced a man for ...  “Price Gouging Facemasks?”

Where is the U.S. DOJ for “Price Gouging” Gas?

Troy Businessman Sentenced for Hoarding and Price Gouging Facemasks

ALBANY, NEW YORK – Imran Selcuk, age 35, of Troy, New York, was sentenced September  2, 2021, 3 years of probation for … price gouging  in violation of the Defense Production Act of 1950 (DPA), said in part by the United States Department of Justice – The United States Attorney’s Office Northern District of New York.

Arend Mathijssen, Quartz Hill, California Concerned Citizen and Taxpayer, reported March 10, 2022, within his own community, cost for Supreme Gas: $6.35 and Diesel $6.79.

Yet, certain Congressional Representatives are blaming “Putin,” for higher Gas prices throughout our Nation.These same Congressional Representatives won’t call out, tell the truth or prosecute big oil and gas companies that are “Price Gouging” Gas, against its own Citizens, similar to the Troy Businessman prosecuted for“Price Gouging Facemasks.” …

Truth Exposed about certain career Congressional Representatives, who are unfriendly towards the same American Citizen’s they claim to represent.   But remember the power to vote is one of your most important sacred rights of “We the People, We the Taxpayers and We the Majority!”
