• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Prosecutor Switched Sides

A United States Department of Justice (DOJ) Prosecutor felt so guilty about how Defendant was treated, that the Prosecutor decided to switch sides, to represent Defendant instead of the Government

Have you ever heard of a Prosecutor switching sides to then defend an alleged Defendant just before Trial?

“Moffatt Media,” has expanded its investigative skills into an Innocence project case.

First time ever, for Moffatt Media’s Eyes to have Witnessed a Prosecutor switch sides to defend an alleged Defendant.


In my 20 years as an attorney I have NEVER seen a situation where the Prosecutor (Plaintiff’s Attorney) for the United States of America government now becomes Defendants Counsel.

Defense counsel then becomes Plaintiff’s Counsel for the United States of America, said alleged Defendant.

“Since the Prosecutor is now my Counsel, can you have my new counsel call me?”

If my new attorney aka former Prosecutor does not proceed with a Motion to Dismiss the Indictment, will you put forth an effort for dismissal?”

The Transcript declares in part “True and Correct Transcript,” of the reported proceedings held, 9/1/2022.  Defendant argues it is impossible that the Transcript is: “True and Correct.” because the Prosecutor’s Appearance indicates to have switched sides.   The Prosecutor is now my defense counsel, says Defendant.

Above is not done in satire.   Moffatt Media’s eyes did witness where the Court Reporter flipped Prosecutor to represent Defendant, in a Transcript.

In a separate unrelated issue, an Amicus Brief filed by The Onion, actually made its way into the United States Supreme Court, was based on Satire.   Click on highlighted area above for Source Link.

The Onion’s Satire Amicus Brief, and errors found in an actual Federal U.S. District Court Central District Transcript covered by “Moffatt Media,” makes you see comedy at work in Federal criminal cases.


United States Court Lynching Programs

Sentencing News – (“Modern Day Court Lynching”)

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Updated: 6/24/2023, Saturday 11:37pm

In the United States they no longer do public  lynching by trees any more against my people,  other minorities and the poor.  

PhotoJesse Washington 17 year old teen was lynched on May 15, 1916 and “[h]e was chained by his neck and dragged out of the county court by observers.”   Mob attackers against Washington,  “[h]e was then … stabbed and beaten, before being held down and castrated.  He was then lynched in front of Waco’s city hall.”

Fast forward with today’s American Criminal Justice system, consisting of camouflage alternative Barbarian Court Lynching  Programs.

The same court systems using outdated laws of 400 years plus to  mean America’s Federal Grand Jury proceedings.

Did you know there are only two countries that continue using Grand Jury proceedings?  The United States and Libya, are the only two countries still using  Federal Grand Jury Court Lynching Programs; and Defendants along with their defense counsel are  locked out of the Grand  Jury secret proceedings initiated  by Prosecutors. 

America’s Grand Jury proceedings are prejudicial from the onset, lack transparency and deprive constitutional equal protections, among other things.

The same  federal criminal justice court systems where laws are on the books, that do NOT make ANY common sense, but oppress.  Now I understand why my Papa and Mama loved Billie Holiday so much.

History shows that Ms. Holiday  became one of the “voices  for my people,” while citing protest lyrics  such as: (“Strange Fruit”) and her lyric words uttered were to expose truths about lynching history of Black Americans.

“Southern trees bear a strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh

Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop.”  

Lynching in trees no longer, however, replaced with America’s Court Lynching Programs, that my own eyes are witnessing.    

As a consequence,  I must Rise Up and Speak Out, for the protection of  my own Black American Son, youths at risk, other minorities, disabled, the poor …  because NO ONE is safe anymore!   And “… until we value the lives, rights, and liberties of those on the receiving end of the system, “our justice system will continue to be anything but.” ~ Justice Sonia Sotomayor

“… Vital constitutional principle must not be forgotten: Liberty requires accountability.” ~ Justice Samuel Alito

“Noose Hanging” on our property during the 21st Century.

In Tribute to Jesse Washington, the late Ms. Billie Holiday, Carl Robinson & Hubby. 


  • Public Comment by: Joni Robinson
Do you know I have never really listened to the song Strange Fruit until today? 
As I sat and listened to it I felt my heart beat differently and my eyes filled up with tears.
God bless our people who suffered in those terrible days! It’s heartbreaking to think of how long our people have been treated so unfairly simply because of the color of our skin.
The only difference now is they’ve found another way to hang us. Just not out in the open for the public to see. Coming from a biracial family my parents never really discussed the days of slavery with us.  Although mom answered questions if we asked, it was never really a topic of discussion in our home.  Our home was more about peace and loving equally and not allowing the racist comments we would encounter from being biracial to get under our skin.  We were taught at a very early age to treat people how we want to be treated, not how they treat you.
Listening to Strange Fruit just made me want to fight that much harder for the freedom of not only my husband, but all the men and women of color who are being lynched in the United States Courts.
  • Public Comment by: Cassie 
“Billie Holiday’s song “Strange Fruit” has always sent chills down my spine​!​
It is so disheartening to see that horrific acts against humanity such as lynchings haven’t really gone away, they have simply morphed into a beast​,​ that remains hidden from the eyes of so many people​​​,​ until they find themselves or their loved ones caught inside the jaws of injustice.
In some ways it’s more sinister now because the strange fruit don’t hang in the breeze for all to see anymore and many of the people who try to speak truth to power are silenced or simply told they are crazy​,​ because there is this widely held belief that things have changed. But they really haven’t. They’ve just shifted.”