• Moffatt Media America's Taxpayer Watchdog News

Prosecutor John A. Stephens has done the Right thing –dismissed Felony Aggravated Perjury criminal charge against Connie Reguli

Connie Reguli has been exonerated in the alleged Felony Aggravated Perjury case, Docket#W-CR-220457, that was originally filed August 12, 2022, by Kim Helper, (Deceased) District Attorney General 19th Judicial District, State of Tennessee.

Stephens, Assistant District Attorney (Prosecutor) on June 14, 2023, did the right thing and has determined lack of evidence on the state’s part.    The State of Tennessee moved for what is called: “Order of Nolle Prosequi” to mean – “the prosecutor will drop the criminal indictment,” against Reguli.  

According to Reguli, the second arrest, as well as the first arrest has been an assault on my First Amendment Constitutional Protections …  The second arrest criminal charge, “Aggravated Perjury,” was without providing a copy of the Grand Jury Indictment filed against me, says Reguli.

After the Motion for a New Trial was denied, Judge Woodruff was ready for his next offensive tactical move. 

Judge Woodruff turned himself into an investigator after a public records hearing in April 2022, and secretly wrote a letter to an executive director of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) at the time.  Judge Woodruff said in the letter that Reguli had testified that she had paid an attorney fee sanction from a decade past, and he wanted to know if she was telling the truth. 

Findings reveal the secret letter was not sent to Reguli nor was it filed with the Court Clerk.  A few weeks later, CASA director Layton would sign an affidavit that she had reviewed the “regularly maintained business records” of CASA and there was no record of payment by Reguli.  This affidavit, although written with the caption of the public records case, was not sent to Reguli, nor was it filed with the clerk. 

August 8, 2022, just five days after the newly assigned judge in the criminal court case failed to incarcerate Reguli after a motion hearing, Judge Woodruff and District Attorney Kim Helper presented a brand new felony to the Williamson County Grand Jury.  This time Reguli was charged with Aggravated Perjury, a new felony charge claiming that she falsely stated she had satisfied the prior sanction.  The Grand Jury indicted Reguli on the affidavit of CASA director Layton. 

Another new judge was appointed to hear this case.  Reguli had the District Attorney Kim Helper disqualified and the Montgomery County (Clarksville) District Attorney’s office took the case. 

This time Reguli issued a subpoena for CASA to produce all the regularly maintained business records reviewed by E. Layton along with records showing a request for payment, accounts receivable ledgers showing an outstanding balance, and policies on receiving mail.  CASA hired an attorney to oppose the motion claiming that if there was record of that payment, Reguli would be in a better place to produce the record.

However, criminal defendants, such as Reguli, don’t have to prove anything.  The burden of proof is always on the State prosecutor to make their case beyond a reasonable doubt.  The element that the State of Tennessee must prove is not, did Reguli make the payment, but did Reguli lie about making a payment.  The State must prove a negative and cannot require Reguli to do anything. 

Judge Morgan agreed with Reguli and explained that as he saw it, the affidavit of E. Layton made all of the business records that she reviewed relevant and met all of the other criteria of a discovery subpoena in a criminal case.  The CASA attorney, Mike Stephens,  said that he would have to locate Layton, who no longer works for CASA to find out what she reviewed.  The State’s attorney, John Stephens, said that he was not limited to the witnesses listed on the indictment and may try to obtain other witnesses. 

District Attorney John Stephens has struggled to make sense of his trial strategy being left with this impractical and impossible prosecution.  In January of this year, he told Judge Morgan that he was going to subpoena ten years of Reguli’s bank records.  That didn’t happen.  In February, he then told Judge Morgan he was going to subpoena ten years of CASA’s bank records.  His deadline for discovery disclosure is May 31, 2023.  Reguli had not received any notice of a subpoena for bank records, nor has the district attorney produced them for review.  His insurmountable task is to prove a negative. 

The judge’s order directing CASA to produce the regularly maintained business records of CASA is a big win for Reguli as a criminal defendant and may shine a light on the ridiculousness of this indictment. 

Now Reguli’s final big win on June 14, 2023, was to have the State fold due to lack of evidence and Stephens, Assistant District Attorney who did the right thing by dismissing the Indictment against Reguli, for lack of evidence.

Maybe it’s time for “Moffatt Media” to create a “Prosecutor Wall of Fame,” for those prosecutors who do the right thing!




Birthday Tribute Jerry Bryant O’Neil Montana Senator Great American – Great Advocate for the People

Tribute and honor to Jerry Bryant O’Neil on this special day (May 10, 2023), of his 80th birthday.

In pop culture, cartoons and movies, superheroes do impossible things.  Superman is an extra-terrestrial humanoid who has x-ray vision, can fly and crush steel.  Batman is a human millionaire who uses his wealth and scientific expertise with technology to create phenomenal instruments, vehicles, and gadgets which permit him to do most of what Superman can do.

Hero, Jerry Bryant O’Neil, who turns 80 today is a man who has used the mechanics of the legal and political system to do things that are possible, but almost no one ever does them.  Jerry is a superhero of the possible, in the greatest American tradition.  As an advocate and counselor, Jerry’s independent, individualistic, middle-class American heroism embodies the aurea mediocritas, the golden mean.  As a politician, Jerry served like the ancient Roman Senators Cicero and Cincinnatus, of the people and for the people.

During Jerry’s first divorce, and child custody struggle, Jerry was frustrated by lying, thieving, incompetent lawyers.  So, without any legal education or training, without ever having worked for a lawyer, Jerry represented himself, prepared his own trial briefs and notebooks, called his own witnesses, some 40 years ago Jerry took on the attorneys for his estranged wife and the Roman Catholic Church in Idaho.

Jerry alleged that they had fractured his family and stolen his children by pretext of religious education and alienation of affections.  Jerry won for himself and his children a million-dollar jury verdict on his own, and provided for his children’s education, not to mention gave them the invaluable gift of disciplined minds and intellectual freedom.

Ever since that first astounding victory, Jerry has worked to liberate law from the lawyers.  The state-bar monopoly, known as “the integrated bar,” is the most anti-American, un-Republican, and anti-Democratic institutions regulating every aspect of first, fifth, and ninth amendment freedoms to speck, associate, and petition for due process and the reservation of rights and powers of the people.

Jerry O’Neil, although a blonde-haired blue-eyed mixed Germanic Irishman by blood and birth, had grown up with and among the Native American people, the Indians of Montana and first the Blackfeet and then the Salish and Kootenai tribes made him a tribal advocate and counselor.  This is close to unheard of, and Jerry remains a member of the Black Feet Tribal Attorney Bar to this day.

And with this platform of accomplishments, in Y2K, the year 2000, Jerry was elected to the Montana Senate, where he served until 2008, after which time Jerry was “timed out” (the greatest argument against term limits I have ever known) and then served in the Montana House.  Jerry won four elections and served the people of Montana, tirelessly fighting the Bar Monopoly and advocating for free competition of ideas and talent in the Courts.

Perhaps Jerry’s most significant and crowning achievement came in 2010 when the State of Montana Commission on the Unauthorized Practice of Law (“COUPL”) attempted to prosecute him for Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices by engaging in the Unauthorized Practice of Law.

The United States Federal Trade Commission intervened in 2009 on Jerry’s behalf and objected to the enforcement of illegal monopolistic laws against him, by attempting to restrict his advertising and involvement on behalf of ordinary people who couldn’t afford or didn’t want state-bar lawyers.

Then on April 20, 2010, the Supreme Court of Montana, in Case No. AF 09-0068, entered an order DISSOLVE THE COMMISSION ON THE UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE OF LAW, on the exact grounds that Jerry had advocated and the FTC supported, namely that it was impossible constitutionally to define the practice of law and that it was beyond the power of the Supreme Court to forbid the unauthorized practice of that which it could not define.

The practice of law encompasses little less than ever aspect and the full range of modern human social and political life.  Every event and transformation in our existence from birth to death today requires legal definition and has legal implications.

Within the context of the American Democratic-Republic, law is life.  Jerry has dedicated his life to the concept that an elite profession should control the application, construction, and interpretation of law to every aspect of human experience.

We invite family members, friends and everyone who reads this to share Jerry’s 80 years of extraordinary societal achievements and celebrate his extraordinary mind with Moffatt Media today.

In Honor of Jerry Bryant O’Neil, let’s work together in tearing down attorney bars to freedom of association, freedom to petition, freedom to speak out, and above all to preserve all rights, without monopoly or exclusion, to the people.  ~ Charles Edward Lincoln, III


Unauthorized Practice of Law by Public Corporation State Bar of California against John Eastman Attorney

Did you know the State Bar of California is a non-governmental organization (NGO) “Public Corporation?”

Pursuant to the California Constitution Article 6 Section 9, which  reads in pertinent part: “[t]he State Bar of California is a Public Corporation,” enacted (57 years ago), 1966.  (Sec. 9 added Nov. 8, 1966, by Prop. 1-a. Res.Ch. 139, 1966 1st Ex. Sess.).

California Bar Seeks to Revoke Trump Adviser John Eastman’s Law License by Jan Wolfe – Licensing body says former law professor’s efforts to overturn 2020 election make him unfit to practice law says The Wall Street Journal

Yes, The Wall Street Journal sometimes gets it wrong, such as stating the California Bar is a “Licensing body.” But nowhere in the California Constitution does it mention that the California Bar is an attorney licensing agency.

California Attorney Licenses are only issued by the State Supreme Court of California.

True California Attorneys are mandated to become Members of the private union Public Corporation State Bar of California and required to pay annual “Membership Dues:” $515.00 (2022-2023).

Did you know the State Bar of California has NOT been delegated STATE POLICE PROSECUTORIAL POWERS?  Only the County District Attorney’s Office usually conducts investigations to criminally charge people.  Not a “Public Corporation.” 

Therefore the State Bar of California is committing an act of Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL), against Eastman.  “This Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.”

“The State Bar of California’s Chief Trial Counsel George Cardona announced … the filing of a Notice of Disciplinary Charges (NDC) against attorney John Eastman (State Bar No. 193726). The 11 charges arise from allegations that Eastman engaged in a course of conduct to plan, promote, and assist then-President Trump in executing a strategy, unsupported by facts or law, to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 presidential election by obstructing the count of electoral votes of certain states.   The Office of Chief Trial Counsel (OCTC) intends to seek Eastman’s disbarment before the State Bar Court.”  Why two years later?

When in fact, the “State Bar of California has taken no action against Ganong.” … “In fact, he bragged about his good standing with the bar as a defense to the media.”…

$22 Million Health Care Fraud: The Superior Court of California County of Orange District Attorney’s Office Indicted Philip Ganong on 94 Felony Count Criminal Complaint, Case #17CF1243.  Ganong, Bar #88414, alleged $22 Million Health Care Fraud against multiple insurance companies.


WHETHER  the State Bar of California,  has committed  Prosecutorial Misconduct, against Eastman?

Consequently, California Bar you’re now exposed and no longer permitted to conceal from the public your legendary myth inferring to be a licensing body when in fact only a mere “Public Corporation.”

Given that, the State Supreme Court of California nor the State of California can delegate prosecutorial or judicial powers to ANY “Public Corporation,” because “judicial power of this State is vested in the Supreme Court, courts of appeal, and superior courts, all of which are courts of record.”

State Bar you’re not even a Court of Record, but claiming another legendary myth to be a Court, State Bar Court.  Furthermore, “[t]his Court has held that delegations of regulatory power to private parties are impermissible, Carter v. Carter Coal Co., 298 U. S. 238, 311 (1936), it held the delegation to be unconstitutional, 721 F. 3d, at 677.   See  Department of Transportation v Association of American Railroads 575 U.S 43 2015 Amtrak

Thus, an abhorrent appearance of “Conflict of Interest” exists between the State Supreme Court of California and the State Bar of California.   The “Conflict of Interest” is problematic because it violates Constitutional Separation of Powers. 

A conflict of interest scheme causes the Supreme Court to run afoul of the Separation of Powers, with (NGO), Public Corporation State Bar of California against Eastman.

Reminder, the State Supreme Court of California, was the only licensing agency that issued  Eastman his license to practice law on 12/15/1997.


Jeff Fortenberry’s Criminal Conviction scheduled to be overturned by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals California


(“Prosecutor News”)

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Indictment was filed on October 19, 2021, against Fortenberry, Former Nebraska Congressman.  The Indictment filed by Tracy Wilkison, United States Acting Attorney General (“Prosecutor”), was invalid.  Because Wilkison’s  TERM EXPIRED, under the Vacancy Reform Act of 1998.

There also existed an impossibility in Wilkison filling the shoes within the United States Attorney General’s position because she had NOT received a Presidential Nomination from President Biden,  pursuant to 5 U.S. Code §3345.   Wilkison was also not Senate confirmed.

Wilkison did NOT even receive ANY Nomination by Donald Trump, Former President to fulfill the United States Attorney General shoes for Central District.

Recent 10 28 2022 9TH CIR CT APPEAL FILED BY FORTENBERRY  within the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, is likely to be granted for improper Venue and problems with Jury Instructions.    

Along with granting Fortenberry’s appeal following an “unprecedented prosecution in which the Department of Justice hauled a sitting member of Congress across the country to stand trial in a foreign jurisdiction on charges of making false statements more than a thousand miles away.”

The appeal cites two key reasons for the conviction to be overturned: improper venue for the case, with the allegedly false statements being made in Nebraska and Washington, D.C.,  Charges filed in California and inadequate jury instructions that failed to appropriately define a key element of the charge; and the materiality of Fortenberry’s statements.

The case against  Fortenberry never should have been brought in the first place.   Criminal charges should have not resulted in California or a conviction, said Glen Summers.   Summers, a leading member of Fortenberry’s legal team and partner with Bartlit Beck LLP.  “This appeal calls on the Ninth Circuit to vacate these convictions to protect Fortenberry and other Americans from having their Constitutional rights trampled.”

FBI agents knew Jeff Fortenberry had no knowledge of illegal contributions to his campaign from a 2016 fundraiser. So, they directed an informant to call him years later and make a few comments in a roughly 10-minute phone call suggesting that people might have made improper contributions at the event.

Nine months later, the very same FBI agent who orchestrated the setup call went to the Congressman’s home in Nebraska and used a “ruse” that he was conducting a background check with a national security aspect to convince the Congressman to speak with him.

Even though the Congressman told the FBI agent about the comments from the informant, both at the first conversation and again in a subsequent interview in Washington, D.C., prosecutors indicted the Congressman for allegedly making false statements to them when he failed to recall some details of the nearly year-old conversation and explained that he was not “aware” of any illegal contributions to his campaign.

Prosecutors with the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Congressman Fortenberry in Los Angeles. 

(DOJ) Prosecutors required Fortenerry to stand trial in Los Angeles, California Central District United States Federal Court.  Even though the alleged false statements were made at interviews conducted in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Washington, D.C.  Fortenberry asserts on appeal that subjecting him to prosecution in Los Angeles was contrary to law.  Subjecting Fortenberry within the wrong Venue (Jurisdiction) and requires that the conviction be set aside.

In Fortenberry’s appeal brief, the conviction should also be set aside.  Because the trial judge gave the jury instructions that inadequately defined critical elements of materiality.  Lacking elements then allowed the jury to convict Fortenberry.   Even though the alleged false statements could not possibly have had any impact or injury on the government.

For a statement to be material, eligible for a false statements charge,  such law requires it to influence governmental decision.

Fortenberry’s statements were not material to the government’s investigation.  Since prosecutors already knew from their own investigation, that Fortenberry had no knowledge of the illegal contributions to his campaign.

Jury Instructions Why Important “Voice Removed” Lawyer Connie Reguli, Listen



Sentencing Reforms by Locked In & Moffatt Media – 105 Year Sentence Inhumane


Sentencing News

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

Updated 10/21/2022:   Listen –

Locked In & Moffatt Media are proud to announce a Coalition Sentencing Reform project:  “STOP EXCESSIVE SENTENCING.”  

Amid Sentencing Reforms towards Youth/Adults at Post Convictions and Pretrial.

HOW:  “We start one inmate at a time,” says Locked In & Moffatt Media.

WHY:   Because “Excessive Sentencing,” does not make ANY 21st Century common sense.

Behind Justice Example #1

Carl Robinson, an inmate within California State Prison (CFT), was sentenced to 105 years in Prison.

Locked In and Moffatt Media, mutually agree that our current American Criminal Justice system,  induces  Human Rights Violation in the form of  Genocide.

By targeting, a certain race of people being minorities, disabled and the poor.   The specific targeting causes “EXCESSIVE SENTENCING.” 

Logic does not hold that Robinson a Black American Male inmate at (CTF) Prison, will NOT live out a 105 year sentence.   Because according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Mortality Tables,  males within the United States Total Life Expectancy:  age 74.2. 

Source:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data-visualization/state-life-expectancy/index_2020.htm

 Public Interest Concern Question –

  • Why does the United States Criminal Justice System and California sentence people like Robinson, past his determined (CDC) Life Expectancy?

Now Locked In & Moffatt Media’s, “Call to Action” invites you, your loved ones and friends to join hands with us for true Sentencing Reforms that make common sense.   

“STOP EXCESSIVE SENTENCING,” past one’s Life Expectancy.

Also reduce Fiscal Impact of direct, current, medical and public costs associated with housing Robinson and other inmates throughout the United States past their  Life Expectancy.

Locked In and Moffatt Media … do NOT expect the United States Criminal Justice System to continue imposing inhumane Third World Justice, that erodes public confidence.  

“Press Release Tribute” to my surviving father on this  day of his Birthday 10/10/2022.  ~ Star Moffatt CEO/Founder of Moffatt Media.

Judicial Imposter – $20 million claim filed against Arizona’s “Judicial Imposter” for failure to uphold “First Amendment Protections” …

Jeffrey Moffatt seeks $20 million against Arizona, the State Supreme Court of Arizona and State Bar of Arizona, according to a copy of the filed document: 9 13 2022 NOTICE OF CLAIM TORT AGAINST AZ et al served on Brnovich  To view document click on purple highlighted area.

Moffatt served his claim against Mark Brnovich, Arizona Attorney General and Risk Management, on September 16, 2022, Friday.

First Amendment Protection violations imposed by Arizona’s Supreme Court “Judicial Imposter” William J. O’Neil, seated on the Supreme Court bench from 2010-2021.

Specifically, the claim is the first step toward a potential lawsuit against the State of Arizona.   If a settlement cannot be reached or Arizona denies the claim, Moffatt’s next step is to file a lawsuit against Arizona for failure to uphold First Amendment Protections, among other issues.

“Arizona’s Third World Justice,” amounts to intentionally turning blind eyes filled with brazen Public Corruption Schemes.

Remembering Thousands of Arizona Lawyers who died on the Inside


Societal-Legal News

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California

True, twenty-one years ago today several Americans died in the September 11, 2001 attacks.   The terrorist incident against our country and fellow Americans was beyond horrific, that none will ever forget and will forever be a stain that took place on American soil.

Regardless, on today, 9/11/2022, we need to also remember our fellow Americans defined as Arizona Lawyers who have died on the inside mentally and physically, because they have suffered induced discrimination with losing their fundamentally guaranteed constitutional rights and constitutional protections at the hand of domestic terrorism.

Multiple thousands of Arizona Lawyers have been reduced to financial ruins, families destroyed, suffered homelessness, and have become unemployable. WHY?

Because Arizona Lawyers have less rights than ANY other person within the United States of America and even on this sacred day 9/11.  They have suffered bold and unrelenting unconstitutional tactics.

Continued Public Interest Concern Questions:

(1).  Did you know Arizona Lawyers do not have equal access to justice with being afforded a Jury Trial before their own Peers?

(2).  Did you know if an Arizona Lawyer is being claimed to have committed criminal conduct, the Arizona Lawyer is NOT afforded the right to be assisted by a Court Appointed Counsel?

(3).  Did you know Arizona Lawyers who are prosecuted under Rule 8.4(b) or any other Rules they NEVER receive a Speedy Trial, within 70 days of being criminally charged? 

(4).  Did you know Arizona Lawyers are only allowed to go before a “Hearing Panel,” when claimed to have criminal or unethical conduct?  The same three person “Hearing Panel,” that has NEVER been approved by ANY Arizona Governor or Arizona House of Representatives.

(5).  Furthermore, did you know, Arizona Lawyers are denied equal protections, because they do not have ANY ability to raise constitutional challenges even to defend themselves?

Noting,  it is an Atrocity and Human Rights Violations, that Arizona has permitted and condoned the cover-ups under Rule 51,  with murder weapons to proceed in fatally “killing” thousands of Arizona Lawyers jobs, legal careers and their small owned legal businesses, while denying Arizona Lawyers their Constitutional Rights and fundamentally guaranteed “First Amendment Protections,” even as American Citizen’s!

In consequence, the purported Supreme Court Judge (“Judicial False Impersonator”) William J. O’Neil, Presiding Disciplinary Judge, from 2010-2021, has even bragged publicly, when Arizona Lawyer’s come before him to prosecute, that he does not use civil or criminal proceedings, he prosecutes Arizona Lawyers only using Sui Generis.   https://youtu.be/yBKqG1u0IDY

Hence America is a great country, and it does many things well.   However, within the State of Arizona, a vast blind spot exists, in facilitating an ability for Arizona people and specifically Arizona Lawyers who face alleged criminal conduct and ethical charges, said proceedings are being done above law as:  “Sui Generis.” Third World Justice!

Yes today on 9/11 we must remember our fellow Americans who suffered at the hands of Foreign Terrorists.  But this day is also in Tribute to fallen “American Arizona Lawyers,” within Arizona, where there exists Domestic Terrorists, who are NOT upholding constitutional Oath promises, to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  

In Arizona’s “Third World Justice” YOU can have any Decision YOU want, against ANY Arizona Lawyer YOU want, with the stroke of a keyboard and pen!

“Third World Justice in Arizona,” undermines equal access to justice within actual Courts of Record!



Four year Magistrate Judge approved FBI Raid against Former President Trump

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Bruce Reinhart, Magistrate Judge within United States District Court Southern District of Florida, a four year rookie on the job, authorized an FBI Raid on Trump.  

Public Interest Concern Question:

Who is the supervising District Judge over Magistrate Judge (Rookie) Reinhart, that authorized Reinhart to execute an FBI Raid on Former President Trump?  Because “We the People-We the Taxpayer’s” want to know! Reinhart was only Appointed in 2018, as a Magistrate Judge with his term expiring 2026.

Did you know that “Magistrate Judges” are glorified Commissioners? 8 year Term Limits.

“The position of United States Magistrate Judge is relatively new in the federal judicial system. 

For many years the federal system had United States Commissioners who handled a variety of preliminary criminal matters, such as initial appearances, bonds, search warrants and arrest warrants. 

In 1971 the name “Commissioner” was changed to “Magistrate,” however, the range of duties performed was not greatly altered.

The name was changed again in 1990 to “United States Magistrate Judge.”

Federal District Judges are Nominated by a United States President.   A District Judges Term Limits on the Federal judicial bench are jobs for life. “These judges, often referred to as “Article III judges,” are nominated by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”

Thus, Magistrates Powers do not appear for ANY Magistrate including Reinhart Magistrate, the power to authorize a Raid on Former President Trump.  Magistrates Powers are authorized in 18 U.S. Code § 3041.  See:  https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3041

Final Public Interest Concern Questions:

1).  Will the Court consider removing Reinhart Magistrate, off the Florida District Court bench?

2).  Whether Reinhart, Magistrate  exceeded his Powers? and

3).  Should Reinhart, Magistrate face ethical charges and be Disbarred as a Lawyer from the State of Florida?

Moffatt Media submitted a FOIA Request – Court commented:

“Please be advised that the federal courts are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”).  The “courts of the United States” are specifically exempted from that law by 5 U.S.C. § 551(1).”

Moffatt Media and concerned taxpayers respectfully request Judicial Watch to execute a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA), upon the USDC Southern District of Florida, to verify what District Judge authorized Reinhart Magistrate, an FBI Raid against Former President Trump, at his home?

Within real of possibility, maybe “Judicial Watch,” won’t receive the same type of comment from said court.  

Consequently, do realize ​Former President ​Trump​,​ is ​NOT the only one to be Raided, during these perilous times of society​ and all Americans are now at imminent risk.  You could be next!




Connie Reguli Arrested by DA


Recently reported to Moffatt Media, “I can’t talk right now I wanted you to know the DA is having me arrested again,” said Connie Reguli, Suspended Youth and Family Law Attorney.

Recall “Franklin, Tennessee – Judge Bill Acree, a stand-in for Judge Joseph Woodruff, who recused himself after the pre-trial proceedings, sentenced Connie Reguli to 30 days in jail and two years probation last Friday.” … ~ The Tennessee Tribune.


UPDATE#2 (8/16/2022) – Kim Helper, District Attorney General for the 21st Judicial District in Tennessee, arrested Reguli for a second time on August 12, 2022, Friday, said Reguli.

The second arrest, as well as the first arrest has been an assault on my First Amendment Constitutional Protections …  The second arrest criminal charge, “Aggravated Perjury,” was without providing a copy of the Grand Jury Indictment filed against me, says Reguli.


UPDATE#1 – Mugshot – Arrested for alleged “Aggravated Perjury”

Stand by while Moffatt Media does more fact gathering on Reguli’s second  arrest by DA.


Fortenberry Sentenced Community Service in Lieu of 15 year Prison Sentence

Photo Credit: YOUTUBE https://youtu.be/VHcIBNazStw

Sentencing News – Politics Congress

Moffatt Media, Palmdale, California


Moffatt Media First PR Media Company to Recommend Jeff Fortenberry receive “Community Service in Lieu of Prison”

Stanley Blumenfeld, Judge with the United States District Court – Central District,  was courageous in doing the right thing by Sentencing Fortenberry “320 hours of Community Service,” …  which is far better served to Fortenberry, Taxpayers and Society.  Additionally Fortenberry will be on Probation for two years and fined $25k.  Thus Fortenberry plans to Appeal his Sentencing imposed today.

Judge Blumenfeld and our legal community have to be aware that within the Indictment against Fortenberry, he was charged with False Statements under an outdated statute 18 U.S. Code §1001.  The same outdated statute that would have imposed  lopsided justice of “Mandatory Maximum Sentencing:” 15 years in prison (5 years x 3 felony counts) =15 years, that Fortenberry has now avoided thanks to Honorable Judge Blumenfeld.

Former Congressman Jeff Fortenberry did give this statement:  “All I’ve ever wanted to do is serve my country and try to help people. I am grateful for over 20 years of public service, and I’m proud of my record of accomplishments for Nebraska and for America.

I am thankful Judge Blumenfeld took the time to learn about who I am and what I have done in my life. And I am grateful he recognized that ‘by all accounts’ I am a man of ‘exceptional character.’ I was humbled today when the Judge noted that the testimony, including from government witnesses, established my honesty and integrity.

Having said that, this is a case that never should have been brought; and certainly not in California. As the Judge explained today, I knew nothing about the conspiracy to illegally funnel money to my campaign. I was kept in the dark about it, just like other candidates who received similar illegal campaign contributions. I trusted the FBI agents and prosecutors from the Department of Justice. They took advantage of that trust.

I will be appealing this verdict. We are continuing the fight for fairness that we’ve waged throughout this process. The issues at stake are much bigger than me. This case shows how the federal false statements statute can be weaponized by FBI and DOJ officials in a way Congress could not have contemplated when it was enacted and that it can be used to destroy the lives of even the most honorable people. On appeal, I will seek to change the way this dangerous statute is applied so it is less subject to abuse by the FBI and DOJ in the future.

This entire matter has been deeply traumatic for me and my family, but we’re still here, still standing. I’m grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support from friends all over the world. I’m especially grateful for the love and support of my family.”

Now as a Congressman who understands the absolute abuse of power brought by a select few corrupt individuals within the Justice Dept … my heart goes out to Congressman Fortenberry and his family for the injustice they have suffered,” said Rep. Rick Renzi

Congress, it is time to bring more attention to lopsided justice, federal “Mandatory Maximum Sentencing,” laws, especially outdated statutes such as 18 U.S. Code §1001.

  • Parting Public Interest Concern Question: Why did the Indictment fail to indicate if Grand Jurors and Prosecutors had criminally charged Fortenberry under 18 U.S. Code §1001, the old law of 1948 or new law of 1996?
